Excerpts from the videos with I.M. Danilov

What is said in various religions about gratitude to God? Is gratitude the first step towards God? Thanking God for one’s neighbor: what is the substitution? Who introduced this substitution and why? Who is worthy of entering the Spiritual World?

Our planet is on the verge of destruction: natural anomalies, changes in the upper layers of the atmosphere, and mass mutations in nature. Does cyclicity influence these global processes on our planet?

In order to implement a huge number of various projects, volunteers of ALLATRA IPM get together, develop a strategy, hold brainstorming sessions, set goals and objectives. At this stage, everyone gets great inspiration and confidence in the successful implementation of...

What did the prophets know when they brought the Truth? What did they say about the End Times and the Last Chance for humanity?

What is true altruism, and what is its secret? What to do in order to be happy and loved? What is the most precious thing we have? Why do people waste time?

Spiritual Gift. Selected excerpts from the videos "The Call of Mahdi" and "Double Standards of Consciousness".

Everyone who walks the road to God encounters various difficulties and doubts along the way. Is it possible to walk this path quickly and easily? What is the path of a saint? Can an ordinary person become a saint? How to overcome fear and selfishness and begin the spiri...

Why do people have a desire to manipulate and predominate in groups, and how to avoid this? How does consciousness divide and set people at odds in groups by means of thoughts in their heads? Why is it important to voice all negative thoughts that come to one’s head reg...

Learning to be happy is easier than it seems. There is a simple way to start rejoicing right now. Everyone can find happiness and perhaps understand something greater…

Very often, we listen to whining in our heads that we are weak, we cannot do anything, and we are unable to cope with problems. Who is talking in our head? Why do we listen to him? Whom do we blame for our problems? What is the effect of prepayment?

An ancient effective method of treating terminally ill people. An unexpected method of prognosis for cancer patients as used in healthcare. The story of a "miraculous" healing of a fatally ill old man. What made his recovery possible?

What discoveries await modern physics in the near future? Whom do scientists mentally communicate with when they think they communicate with God? What do famous scientists say about the existence of God?

A parable about stones and sages. Whom are stones actually being thrown at, and why? Why are those who seem to be spiritual people not really such, but they are honored and respected in society?

How to let go of resentment? Why is it said that when you are resentful, you are digging your own grave? Why should you not hold a grudge? Why is it necessary to forgive the offender and be cooperative with him if he has realized his mistake? Why is resentment a heavy b...

The most common answers to this question boil down to the triunity of God in Christianity as distinct from One and Only Allah in Islam, and that Jesus is the Son of God while Muhammad is the Prophet.

The Spiritual World is one and indivisible. Is there a hierarchy in the Spiritual World? Why is it so difficult for a human to understand the simple truth about the World of God?

If you want love, you yourself should learn to love. It doesn't matter if you are loved or not. What matters is whether you love.

The Qur'an calls unity and brotherhood among Muslims a special gift that can only be with the participation of Allah the Almighty. Why is the duty of every Muslim to call Muslims to unity? What is Islam? What does "the rope of Allah" mean? What does it mean “I love you...

Can prayer be the first step on the path to spiritual liberation? What is actually the first impetus on this path? What is the purpose of prayer?

How to Overcome Selfishness and Lack of Self-Confidence is an important question of the spiritual path.