Inspiring ALLATRA Music

Hundreds of comets, Billions of stars and planets,

True Love is a generous inner gift. A loving person sees in another a kinship, the beauty of one's Soul. And when one reveals Love within oneself – Love for God, for the Soul – then it is reflected in the world around us. And this new song on ALLATRA TV is about that!

The song “Creative Society Is Our Choice” has been inspired by the idea of the unity of all people in the world around the universal value of Human Life. It’s an invitation for everyone to watch the International online forum "Global Crisis. We are People. We Want to Li...

The decisive moment in the history of humanity has arrived! Our further common destiny depends on how quickly we manage to build the Creative Society!

This song, written by people from all over the world, was premiered at the all-people’s online forum "Global Crisis. We Are People. We Want to Live." It lit the fire in the hearts and expressed the desire to LIVE and build the Creative Society.

Today, it is more important than ever for all of us – people living on Earth – to realize the scale of the threat looming over all of us and to have time to do the only thing that can save us and our common planet – to build the Creative Society!

Global climate change on Earth and escalating climatic disasters are the common enemies of humankind!

Today we all can see that the consumer format of relations in the global community has brought all of humanity to a dead end.

Spanish-speaking musicians, participants of ALLATRA IPM have come together, inspired by creative art, to form a band called "ALLATRIANOS" honoring the movement so dear to them.

Song “Prophet's Dream” by RoyStar SoundSick and Keana was premiered at the “Creative Society. What the Prophets Dreamed of'' International Online Conference – a unique event that united people from the whole world in one Truth.

Our Earth
Our Earth
International online conference “Global Crisis. This Already Affects Everyone” 07.24.2021 is an important event for the fate of all humanity! This large-scale event inspired participants of ALLATRA International Public Movement to create the song “Our Earth”.

An understanding of the importance of the International Online Conference “Global Crisis. This already affects everyone” for the fate of all mankind, for our survival, inspired the participants of the ALLATRA International Public Movement to create this song.

Lyrics by Steve Piper AKA The Wizard Emcee/ MC Positive Vision

The song that makes your day. Inspiring song of 2021!

On March 20th, 2021, a historical event took place, which humanity had been expecting over the last 6 thousand years. It was the international online conference "Creative Society. What the Prophets Dreamed of." For the first time, people from all over the world have pur...