Social surveys

What kind of world would people like to live in? What changes need to happen in society for everyone to feel happy? What universal human values should prevail in society? What is true association and unity?

This international social survey was conducted by volunteers-researchers of the "Kaleidoscope of Facts" project.

People from around the world share with us great ideas about the society they would love to live in. In this video Yasser Eltayar, an entrepreneur from Lebanon provides his vision of Creative Society, and how we, as a society, can create a better future for ourselves, o...

On May 22, 2021, the whole world witnessed an unprecedented event - a unique international conference “Life After Death. Fictions and Facts”. The truth about the post-death human’s fate has been revealed to all mankind in more than 50 languages for the first time in the...

A successful business that grows well and benefits everyone. Self-motivated employees who do their job with the highest quality! Convenient working conditions for everyone! Professional growth and development in a team! Enjoying the work!

We've met Sophie and Tim from Belgium and were very excited to hear their vision of what unites all people in the world, and what kind of society they would like to live in.

AllatRa TV team from USA conducted a social survey with residents of Michigan city within the framework of The Universal Grain project

In the interview for AllatRa TV, Alla Kushnir, a belly dance teacher, shares with us her view on a creative society.

Marcel Bernet, a sculptor from Zurich, Switzerland specially for "The Universal Grain" project shares his experience in art and tells what inspires him to create sculptures from wood.