Revision #1.2020
as of August 12, 2020
Dear User, we thank you for visiting this Website!
Please read this Agreement carefully before you start using the Site. You are obliged to comply with the terms of this Agreement when visiting the Site and using the services and applications provided on the Site. In case you do not agree with the terms of the Agreement, you may not use the Site or any services and applications provided on the Site, as well as visit the pages placed in the domain zone of the Site. Starting to use the Site means that this Agreement is duly concluded and you fully agree with all its terms and conditions.
- The Operator is a person authorized to manage and perform other activities related to the use of the Website
- The Site is the website located on the Internet at, including its subdomains as well as any other websites of the Operator containing a link to this Agreement.
- The User is a person who has an account on the Site (registered User) or a person who does not have an account on the Site (unregistered User), but in any case gains access to the applications, services and information posted on the Site. An account shall be understood as a set of information about the User and his authorization data (login and password).
- Agreement is this Agreement between the User and the Operator which outlines the rules of the Website use.
The current version of the Agreement is available at
General terms and conditions.
- This agreement is a public offer which is formulated based on the international legislation and has an appropriate legal effect.
- The relationship between the User and the Operator is regulated by this Agreement and the current international legislation.
- The use of the Site is allowed exclusively to the User who accepted this Agreement.
- The User shall guarantee that they possess the necessary right and legal capacity, as well as all the authority and powers necessary and sufficient to conclude and execute the Agreement following its terms. In particular, the User shall guarantee that they are of legal age and have full legal capacity following the international legislation.
- The User undertakes to use the Site only for lawful purposes.
- The Website User shall agree that they are responsible for the materials posted on the Website, including their content, compliance with legal requirements, enforcement of copyright, and related rights of third parties.
- Any materials, files, and services contained on the Website may be reproduced in any form, in any way, in whole or in part without prior written permission of the Operator, except for the cases specified in this Agreement. When reproducing materials of the Website by the User, including protected copyrighted works, the link to the Website shall be obligatory, and the text of the specified link shall not contain false, misleading, derogatory, or offensive information. Translation, processing (modification), any change of the Website materials, as well as any other actions, including deletion, modification to the low-profile information, and information about copyright and copyright holders, is not allowed.
- The password can not be given to other users, and the User carries full responsibility for any harm caused to him, the Operator or any other third party as a result of intentional or unintentional transfer of the password from the User to other users. The User shall be responsible for keeping the password confidential, and any use of the Website by means of its password.
- Any use of the Website materials from the protected sections by reproduction in any form or in any way is prohibited.
- The current version of this Agreement is available on the Internet on the Website. The Operator may unilaterally change the terms and conditions of this Agreement at any time. Such changes shall come into force after 2 (two) days from the moment of posting the new version of the Agreement on the Internet on the Website. In the event of the User's disagreement with the amendments made, the User shall delete all available materials on the Website, and then stop using the Website materials and services. Your permanent access to this Website shall be deemed your conclusive acceptance of the amended Agreement, therefore you shall regularly review this Agreement and additional terms and conditions or notices posted on the Website.
User obligations
- The User guarantees not to take actions that may be considered as violating international law, including the field of intellectual property, copyright and / or related rights, as well as any actions that lead or may lead to disruption of the normal operation of the Site and services of the Site.
- Any means of individualization, including trademarks and service marks, as well as logos and emblems contained on the pages of the Site, are the intellectual property of their copyright holders. The Website User shall not reproduce or otherwise use the specified means of individualization and/or their elements without prior written permission of the relevant rights holders.
- The Operator seeks to ensure but does not control and does not guarantee the confidentiality and protection of any information posted on the Site or received from the Site. The operator takes reasonable measures in order to prevent unauthorized disclosure of information posted by the User on the Site to third parties, but is not responsible if such disclosure happens. In this regard, the transfer of information to the Site means the User's consent to any reproduction, distribution, disclosure and other use of such information. By posting information and materials, the User also guarantees that they have all the rights and powers necessary for this, taking into account the terms of this Agreement and that such posting does not violate the legally protected rights and interests of third parties, international treaties.
- The User is solely responsible for any information and materials posted on the Site. The Operator has the right to track, view and / or delete any information and materials posted by the User on the Site.
When placing any information and materials, the User does not become a co-author of the Site and refuses any claims for such authorship in the future. The Operator does not pay the User any copyright or any other remuneration, both during the period and after the expiration of this Agreement.
- In case of the claims to the Operator, presented by third parties, related to the User's violation of the terms of this Agreement, as well as the information posted by the User on the Site, the specified User undertakes to independently settle such claims, as well as to reimburse the Operator for all incurred damages and costs, expenses and compensation.
- The Operator seeks to ensure the accuracy of the information posted on the Site, but is not responsible for any inaccuracies and / or inexactness of information, as well as failures in the services provided through the Site. The User agrees that the Operator is not responsible and has no direct or indirect obligations to the User in connection with any possible or occurred loss or damage associated with any content of the Site, intellectual property, goods or services available on it or obtained through external sites or resources or other expectations of the User that arose in connection with the use of information posted on the Site or links to the external resources.
Under no circumstances, including but not limited to the carelessness or negligence of the User, the Operator is responsible for any damage (direct or indirect, accidental or natural), including but not limited to the loss of data or profits associated with the use or inability to use the Site.
- All information presented on the Site is provided "as is", without any warranties, expressed or implied. The operator completely, to the extent permitted by law, disclaims any liability, expressed or implied, including, but not limited to implicit warranties of fitness for use, as well as guarantees of the legality of any information obtained using this Site.
- Conditions for the processing and use of personal data.
By accepting the terms of this Agreement, the User agrees to:
Provide their personal data, including Surname, First name, and e-mail address for their processing by the Operator freely, in accordance with their own will and in their interest.
Purpose of processing personal data:
- providing the User with the features of the Site;
- sending notifications regarding the features of the Site;
- preparation and direction of responses to the User's requests;
- sending information about the publication(s);
- The list of actions with personal data to which the User expresses their agreement: collection, systematization, accumulation,
storage, refinement (updating, modification), use, depersonalization, transfer to third parties for the above purposes, as well as the implementation of any other actions provided for the current international legislation in both manual and automated ways.
- The Operator is obligated to take all necessary measures to protect the User's personal data from unauthorized access or disclosure.
- This Agreement is valid until its withdrawal by the User by sending a notification to the email address
- If, when using the Site, the User becomes aware of information regarding the Operator and / or third parties, which in accordance with the international legislation refers to confidential and / or Commercial secrets, the User is prohibited from storing, using and distributing such information.
- The User understands and agrees that by posting information on the Site, in respect of which the User does not independently provide for restriction of access, any third party can gain access to this information.
- The User confirms that he has read and fully accepted the terms of the "Privacy Policy " between the User and the Operator, which is posted at
- Other provisions
- All possible disputes arising from or related to this Agreement shall be resolved in accordance with the current international legislation.
- Nothing in the Agreement can be understood as the establishment of agency relations, partnership relations, joint activity relations, personal hiring relations, or any other relations between the User and the Site Operator, not expressly provided for in the Agreement.
- Recognition by the court of any provision of the Agreement as invalid or not subject to enforceability does not entail the invalidity of other provisions of the Agreement.
- Inaction of the Site Operator in case of violation of the provisions of the Agreement by any of the Users does not deprive the Site Operator of the right to take later appropriate actions in defense of their interests and copyright protection of the Site materials protected in accordance with the legislation.
The User confirms that they are familiar with all the clauses of this Agreement and unconditionally accept them.
For all questions related to copyright infringement, illegal use of the Site materials or posting false, misleading information about the site, please contact the following contact details: