The drastic climate changes on the planet have reached a new level! What danger does this bring for humanity and for each of us? Forecasts by scientists and the military.
The drastic climate changes on the planet have reached a new level! What danger does this bring for humanity and for each of us? Forecasts by scientists and the military. What do people in power actually prepare for, and under what illusions does an ordinary person live? Acceleration of climate processes, their cascading nature and synchronization in 2020. Why has the globe begun to increase in volume, and what are the consequences of that? A short video illustrating the dynamics of natural disasters over the ten years from 2011 to 2020.
What does everyone need to know and do in order to survive? The importance of global awareness-raising and unification. What will unification give us? How can we peacefully transition from a consumerist to a creative format of society? How to overcome the crisis of egoism of civilization? The supranational idea that unites all people and the foundations it is based on. People can change everything and survive! The most valuable thing is human life because it allows a person to gain something greater.
- tux01 Jan 2021, 13:28Every 26000 years a disaster happens. That's why the pyramids of egypte, Teothican, angkor wat, Eastern Island, and others were build. To warn when this time arrives again. When the eyes of the phenix of egypt direct to a specific constallation this will happen again. There is away out, but not for all. In space you are save or on high tops, in submarine. It is a cyclic. And we don't work together so we are doomed. Like the dinosaurus in the previous flood. for the 6th time. The truth lies in mathematic and astro knowledge see and be enlightend.Respond
- JP23 Nov 2020, 11:36Thank to all, who brought this Knowledge about where we stand as a Civilisation in the planet right now... It's very urgent the change from consumerist mindset Towards Creative Society ! Let's Be true Human Beings and start acting accordingly ..Respond
- Oana Paicu22 Nov 2020, 16:37Thank you for the timely translation!Respond