Videos with the participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov

ALLATRA TV's unique videos with the participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov give primordial Knowledge about a human, the meaning of life, unity and reconciliation of all people. This information can change  the destiny of the whole humanity. 

The biggest problem for all humankind is global and rapid climatic changes on the planet, due to the fact that we, as humanity, are unprepared for the harsh climatic reality (we are not even ready to perceive it psychologically, not to mention to develop survival skills...

The number of cataclysms is increasing on the planet every day. Today, as never before, the entire civilized community must unite and find a solution on how to survive. And we, as humanity, should at least provide a reason. If we do not provide a reason, the world will...

When humanity is faced with the task of surviving during the period of global climate change, it is necessary to act jointly and immediately. Humanity has never faced a task that didn’t have a solution. There is no time to doubt and to be idle. Hopelessness or decision:...

Today, very serious changes are taking place with the climate, and we are not ready for that. We are not ready to admit as parents that our child has no future. We can influence simple things: a child's education, how he is dressed, what he eats, and we do this. However...

What will be the consequences for a person in the near future for spiritual inaction, for betraying God, for inaction in confronting the climate, and for betraying the future of their children? Today, everyone can still do a lot to change the worst-case scenario of thei...

Every day plays a huge role both in the spiritual evolution of people and in counteracting the climate Cerberus by humanity. If we fail to find a way to counter the Cerberus, and if we, all people, fail to do everything in our power to preserve our planet and people’s l...

ALLATRA: behind the scenes of the video WHAT IS HAPPINESS?

What is a mantra? What kinds of mantras exist? What were they originally intended for? Do mantras help to achieve success, health, and material well-being?

Experiments on controlled rebirth were conducted in the Ahnenerbe scientific community of the Third Reich. It wasn’t mysticism for them but a study of the physics of processes in a human who is able to control not only the functions of his body but altered states of con...

What is “the state of Nirvana” and how to achieve it? What did Gautama Buddha imply by that, and what does modern Buddhism currently imply? What is “the state of a Buddha”? What does the state of “enlightenment” give?

Two Paths
Two Paths
There are two paths, as Bodhidharma said in his time: there is a simple path of attaining Life eternal, and there is a path of Service if we really embark on the spiritual path. Discipline, aspiration and elementary skills — all this combined is what leads to victory.

Why do people who are on the spiritual path, regardless of religious affiliation, complain that they lose their experience as soon as they get distracted a little bit by some life situation, whatever it may be: a car broke down, a neighbor came and told them something,...

The true spiritual path is a difficult path through sharp stones of the material world, where a person often experiences pain and suffering, but at the same time doesn’t stop loving God and people. The power of the Spiritual World is in Love, in Love and understanding t...

How does external cosmic influence affect a human? What is happening to modern people? How do global changes in nature affect the health of human society? Why have our human relationships undergone serious changes within such a short period of time? What is an additiona...

Our planet is in an extremely difficult situation. Recently, we have been experiencing many catastrophic climatic events, including deep-focus earthquakes. And this is just the beginning. Every deep-focus earthquake is equivalent to a large number of nuclear bombs explo...

Now there is just one dominator in the world — it is the climate Cerberus. All the plans we have built for the future are collapsing, and for many people, they have already been destroyed. Soon everyone’s plans will be destroyed if we as humanity really do not set ourse...

Is human consciousness capable of believing that this world is on the verge? How do people deal with truthful information, for example, about the cataclysms taking place on the planet nowadays? Do they take it seriously? Are they actually fighting for their lives and th...

What are the cycles of development of a human civilization during the 12-thousand-year period? What can the human world be like in the near future, taking into account the increasing climatic changes? Why does everything now depend on people's choice? History develops i...

Today, the climate situation is critical. The atmosphere is really shrinking. The planet’s resistance and protection (the electromagnetic field, the density of our atmosphere, etc.) — all this is gradually collapsing and disappearing. This means that the external cosmic...

We are witnessing an emergency climate situation in the world. Meanwhile, the overwhelming majority of people behave like zombies. They seem not to notice the irreversible drastic climatic changes leading to an imminent destruction of the planet. The number of people in...

Drastic climate change brings massive disasters. Are there any tools for humanity to resist the climate? What do ALLATRA scientists suggest? Why are unprecedented fires, floods, droughts, extreme heat, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes taking place around the world?

Today, the world mass media, politicians from various countries, opinion leaders, as well as scientists are echoing from all rostrums, as if copying each other, that "we need to adapt to climate change," that is, to somehow "adapt in response to the expected impact of c...

The world will never be the same as it was yesterday. The climate is gaining momentum. The orbit in the shells of atomic structures of hydrogen and carbon has changed. However, people don't want to see this because they have built their plans, because they have ideas, a...

The world is changing rapidly. Climatic changes are progressing every day. We are approaching a certain verge that can put an end to the existence of the entire humankind. What are the chances and prospects of the proposal voiced by the scientist Dr. Egon Cholakian in h...

The Climate Cerberus is in the world. It is the essence of our world. There are neither rich nor poor, neither those in power nor subordinates for it. We are its enemies because we acted inhumanly towards each other and killed our own home — the Earth — with our own han...

The climate is changing at a disastrous pace. The destabilization of the Earth's core is underway, which causes the heating of huge masses of magma, the crust and the ocean. The electromagnetic field of our planet has been disrupted, the atmosphere is sagging, more cosm...

What nefarious schemes against humanity, against people, have the radical extremist sect of the so-called "Keepers" been using for millennia? How do they act and influence people's minds? What "Overton windows" do people, including participants of the Creative Society p...

The future begins today. If we had been heard, rather than criticized, at least 10 years ago, imagine what we could have already done together. Would water be washing away our cities now? Would our homes be burning? Would earthquakes be destroying our civilization? No,...

HOW DOES PLACEBO WORK? What is the difference between nocebo and placebo? What is information and a dominant image, and how much does it affect a person's life? Why do images rule the world? How is an image instilled into a person to manipulate him? How can a person com...

How have we, humanity, come to this situation we are in now? What values are really dominant in this world? What should change in a person’s worldview and in society as a whole in order for people to be able to save their lives as we approach an ever-worsening climate c...

Today, in the modern world, there are all the opportunities for building the Creative Society: people, technologies, and resources. Right now there is a chance to save this world by changing the format of society's development from consumerist to Creative. Together we c...

The more climate destruction occurs and the faster the process of the collapse of our planet progresses, the more we will observe unidentified flying objects even in the range visible to us. Why? This and much more is discussed in the video with the participation of Igo...

Volunteers of the Creative Society and many other people who take part in the Creative Society project are in effect creating conditions for a universal catharsis of the entire humanity. "We are removing lies, we are removing filth. This is really so. We call things by...

When a person begins to study himself, he is confronted with unexpected manifestations of his consciousness. Thanks to observations, a person begins to understand where the fear "for himself" comes from, the fear of losing his own importance, his own power over someone....

A human being is not just a set of cells; it’s a very interesting structure that constantly interacts with any matter in this world. What role do neurons play in the human body? What do they emit, and what kind of energy do they transceive? How does a transfer of inform...

If we look at history, the question arises, why do we still live in a world full of divisions, even among Christians, where today millions of people are dying in wars, in violence, in hunger, and what is no less terrible, losing their humanity in the struggle for surviv...

How to prevent large-scale disasters? How to avoid human casualties? How to learn to identify the first indicators of an impending climatic mega event? What needs to be done to prevent devastating earthquakes? How to properly degas volcanoes? How to control nature? Thes...

People often say the phrase: "I would give everything in order to get something", or "I would trade anything for this or that." But what do they later pay for the materialization of their desire? Why does consciousness torment you afterwards? Why do you subsequently exp...

All people are actually good, but life sometimes turns in such a way that people are forced to become bad. Who drives them beyond this line of ethics and morality? Don't we ourselves, people, do that? Of course, it is us, people, who create and maintain these conditions...

How does the pendulum work in fortune telling? How does Personality finance entertainments of the dead? Are the dead to blame for torturing the living? Why does God allow evil? Is God to blame for people’s sufferings? Is the devil to blame for spoiling people's lives an...

This video contains a summary of the interim results of the experiment "Vajra. The Eye of God", the terms of which were announced in the video “Eye of God. The Experiment”. This experiment shows how anyone can change when they find themselves in certain conditions of om...

To focus on the negative means to put a seal on oneself, the seal of a mortal. Instead, it is important to seek and cultivate God’s Love in oneself, to be a Human, first and foremost, and not to think only about oneself. If you start thinking about yourself, you will si...

How do people make a deal with satan in exchange for some favors or desires in the material world, and what will they pay for that afterward? Why, all of a sudden, do we often feel sadness, melancholy, and a depressed state of consciousness that creates the conditions f...

“The Eye of God” experiment. About hidden reserves and superabilities of a human. A look inside oneself. Assessment of inner states. Motivation to work on oneself and responsibility for one’s future and the future of the entire humankind.

Who dictates inside us, sets the topic for reflection and judgment, immobilizes us and affects our daily life? Why do we succumb to negativity? Why can't people find what is positive and unite? Why in the consumerist format do the dead actively influence decisions of th...

Who rules the world in reality? Why in the consumerist format does a person feel constant inner discomfort which he associates with pain? Why do a lot of psychosomatic diseases arise in the present-day world? What are people's aspirations? Why does a modern human desire...

Don't be afraid to Love God, don't be afraid to Love your family and friends, don't be afraid to Love your neighbors and people around you. And in order to start learning to Love, it is important to step over shaitan in yourself so that a wide road opens up to you into...

What is the right way to approach your spiritual development? What result do we achieve when we try to bring our mind into prayer or spiritual practice? Is it possible to attain God's Love by reciting prayers or mantras mechanically, by living according to a pattern and...

How to bring back the lost state of abiding in God’s Love? How to get out of the swamp of consciousness and its endless problems? How to get rid of inner pain and suffering? There may be various situations in life, sometimes very acute and even almost unsolvable. What s...

Will humanity be able to unite and build the Creative Society? Will Muslims all over the world be able to become one united Ummah of the Prophet? Will people be able to save and change the world? After all, the Prophet had such hope for the Last Ones — those who will li...

In the Creative Society, all the conditions will exist for everyone to be able to implement their talents. Every human is a true genius. Humanity is designed so as to complement each other. We should be one community, one unit. Everyone's talent complements the talents...

Every normal human being wants to live in the Creative Society. It provides tremendous opportunities and a completely different way of life. The Creative Society means true freedom for each and every one, that freedom which people have been fighting for millennia, tryin...

A person completely immersed in the material world is, to shaitan, like a pawn on a chessboard. And shaitan moves him as he wishes, calculating his fate in advance. When a person is moved by shaitan on the chessboard, does he live or not? Or does he exist?

Creative Society is the deepest catharsis of the entire humanity. We need to realize who we are, what we are, where we came from, and how to get out of this dead end. People begin to understand, to see clearly and tell the Truth — that all of us live in a world that is...

Creative Society is the only platform where people can create a world everyone dreams of. This is the only platform that really unites all people. Everyone who lives nowadays can live fifteen hundred years. This is the norm. Every human has a tremendous creative potenti...

In this video, Igor Mikhailovich Danilov shares his opinion and impressions about the International Online Forum "Global Crisis. There is a Way Out", which took place on April 22nd, 2023. About opportunities and prospects, about the past and the future, about events and...

What is the spiritual path? What does a person choose every day: struggle or pleasure, play or Life? How to strengthen a Personality’s position? How not to get stuck in the games of consciousness? How not to run to extremes and not to get distracted from the goal? How d...

You Fell? Get up! Why is it important to hold on to God, and it doesn't matter whether you are in a difficult situation, or you suffer from a severe disease, or your life is hanging by a thread? What is true Happiness? How to traverse the spiritual path without stress a...

When a person embarks on the spiritual path, he begins to observe himself, all the tricks of consciousness, his own reactions, and how he gets involved to the dictation of consciousness where he shouldn’t get involved. It’s impossible to physically see or touch consciou...

Mistakes on the spiritual path. Anyone who follows the path of spiritual development can stumble and roll down. Laziness, a desire for power, a substitution of reality, and expressed selfishness appear in him. He often indulges in wishful thinking, especially in relatio...

How do substitutions occur on the spiritual path? How is the inner work on oneself substituted with rituals, material requests and external actions? Why is it difficult for people who are dominated by pridefulness, laziness, envy, and a desire for power, to work on them...

Catharsis is the fundamental initial practice which any person should perform regardless of religion if he really strives for God. Catharsis gives a person an understanding of who he is as a Personality and what the devil is. Why is it very important to work on yourself...

People understand that the world should not be the way it is now, that there is a chance to change everything. But what is this chance for every person? It is in freedom, in the right to choose. Even one person can do a lot! There is tremendous potential in every person...

Every person is important and necessary in building the Creative Society, a society of a new format, where human life is valued. Safety, a monthly basic income, fixed prices, a new economy, free housing, healthcare and education, free energy, and the newest technologies...

At the information stage, people acquire experience of communication with other people. And subsequent questions from their consciousness arise. How to deal with one’s consciousness? How to understand if you’re doing the right thing, if your thoughts about another perso...

When informing about the Creative Society, volunteers often face various kinds of criticism and a lack of understanding by some people of the essence of this matter. What should one do in such cases? What do people encounter in real life? What is the reaction of the con...

How to get rid of resentment and anger? How to stop judging people? Why do intrusive thoughts come to us during the day? How to understand and forgive a person? How to abide in Love, in contact with the Spiritual World? How to accumulate God’s Love?

What does it mean to live like an Angel? How to perform spiritual practices regularly and achieve real results? How to discipline and motivate one’s consciousness to move towards the spiritual goal no matter what? How to develop perception through feelings and learn to...

What is a "vacation"? What is the best vacation in the world? Who pushes people to go on vacation and why? Why does consciousness expect a "miracle" from a vacation, some kind of change? Why is it that when planning a vacation, a person wants to finally "be in harmony w...

What is Love for one’s neighbour? Who in us evaluates our neighbour, who hates, and who loves him? How to understand oneself and one’s feelings? What does it mean to give Love to one’s neighbour? How to attain God's Love in oneself, how to develop and multiply it? How t...

Experience of enlightenment. What should be done so that a person feels free as a Personality? What is meant by the modern word "enlightenment" in this consumerist world? What happens to people who have attained false "enlightenment" (awakening), and how does this exper...

Do aliens, UFOs and intelligent life exist outside of Earth? Why is it impossible to shoot down alien UFOs? Why does the world media hype up the topic of UFOs and the threat of an alien invasion? Why do the elite form an egregore of fear for people? Climate change is gr...

How to find the meaning of life when the world around you is rapidly collapsing? Many people, when faced with economic crises, climate disasters, forced migration, loss of loved ones, or loss of their homes, now live in a state of distress, in a state of uncertainty. Pe...

What is a single egregore? How is an egregore formed? What unites people? Is there an egregore among animals, insects, and protozoa? Who controls a pack of animals? What is the difference between an egregore of animals and an egregore of people? Why do people have two f...

People who have encountered the Knowledge begin to understand the entire absurdity of the situation in the world, which contradicts common sense. They understand that they are in an actual simulation. Why, when there is general separation and division, do the same thoug...

What is spiritual poverty, and why is it so praiseworthy? During the Sermon on the Mount, when Jesus Christ was teaching people how to reach the Kingdom of Heaven, He gave them the first Beatitude, "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Wh...

New physics. Cosmic radiation. The impulse of life. The inner and outer core of the planet Earth. The core of the Sun. Gravity. Information about the whole. The universal unit of time — allat. The finiteness of time. Enhancement of intellectual potential. A chance for h...

What generates the impulse of Life, and how does it affect the transformation of matter? How does the impulse of Life affect micro- and macro-objects? The principle of operation of the force that transforms energy into matter. Information updating. The concept of the mu...

Hierarchy of consciousness. The invisible world: why does a person react to people in different ways? What actually interests him in people? Why is consciousness not interested in the attention of just any person? Why do we feel very bad after talking to some people abo...

What is the best way to inform people about the Creative Society? Is it possible to build the Creative Society in a separate country or a group of countries? Will there be private property in the Creative Society? Creative Society is a society of equal people and equal...

Today, a lot depends literally on everyone, and first and foremost, knowing and informing people about the natural processes that are taking place. It is not worth knocking on the closed door of an empty room. It is better to knock where people are ready to hear you.

How to overcome the games of consciousness in oneself and come out victorious on the spiritual path? This video reveals practical experiences, skills, and ways of observing one's consciousness at different stages of a person's spiritual development. Specifics of the wor...

What is spiritual nazism, and why is it dangerous for a person? How is it manifested on the spiritual path? How does substitution of the goal and concentration on one's own little selfish world occur? How does consciousness replace spiritual knowledge for a person, and...

How to cope with fear, anxiety and panic which manifest themselves in critical situations? Do we need to suppress fear? How to control the emotion of fear and learn to act during its manifestation? How to control one’s fear? What is the cause of fear? How to stop being...

Studying consciousness. How does consciousness work? How do we think? How do thoughts emerge, and how do they influence us? Why are thoughts discrete? How to distinguish helpful thoughts on the spiritual path from intrusive and harmful ones? How to get rid of intrusive...

Why is it important to study consciousness from a spiritual perspective? Why does consciousness block our interest in exploring ourselves? Why does consciousness cast doubts on the spiritual path, "Are you sure that there is God?" Who created evil? What is more importan...

PRIMARY CONSCIOUSNESS AND SECONDARY CONSCIOUSNESS. Why do different desires arise in a person, and how does this affect his behavior and life? "Who am I?" Why is a completely different person activated in you when you interact with different people? Why do people sell t...

How to direct attention towards the Spiritual World and hold it there during the day? How to strengthen connection with the Spiritual World through the accumulation of God's Love and to intensify its flow? What is the essence of the five-time namaz? True vitally importa...

What is happening at the Yellowstone caldera, and what is the cause of these phenomena? What is the danger of a cascade reaction of climate disasters on the planet?

Who are you, and what is your true nature? How does Personality perceive this world? How does Personality react to the loss of a dear person? What does a human yearn for? How is the energy of life expended when Personality is undeveloped, and when Personality develops s...

2023 New Year’s greetings from Igor Mikhailovich Danilov.

What is life and antilife from the Creative Society perspective? Why is the history of the consumerist format built on wars, destruction, anti-human actions, power and domination? Why is everything in the consumerist format set against life? What prevents some people fr...

Movement towards a goal begins with the first step. Is visualization as a tool for achieving a goal good or bad? In what cases does it work, and in what cases does it not work, and why? What intensifies the movement towards achieving the goal? How to solve a set task? W...

What is the system? What is consciousness? What does consciousness look like, and does it have an image? Why do researchers encounter serious problems when studying consciousness in depth? How is the brain connected with consciousness and Personality? Who "thinks" in a...

What energies are available to a human nowadays, and what energies are yet to be discovered? What is power, and what is energy? Stages of development of a united human civilization. What level can a human civilization reach in its development? What role does human atten...

The value of freedom in the Creative Society. Why and how will the Creative Society encourage people to grow, first of all intellectually and creatively, and stimulate everything positive? How will innovations be introduced in the Creative Society? Why is personal freed...

How does consciousness work? Why do doubts arise? Why is there denial at the level of your consciousness that something bad can happen to you, that the world you live in can change, and that you are mortal? Why does consciousness not know the future? How do doubts affec...

How can we stabilize the climate situation and save humanity? Did past civilizations that lived 12,000 or 24,000 years ago encounter similar rapid climate change? Have they left technological answers for us to these complex issues in their artifacts or inscriptions? How...

When a person is overwhelmed with sudden negative memories of unpleasant situations from the past, he looks for a way to get rid of such memories. These experiences break into a person's peaceful life through intrusive thoughts, bad states, and nightmares. Specialists h...

We live in a time of uncertainty, the time of the Crossroads, when a lot depends on everyone's choice. Why is there an attitude in people's consciousness that "you are nobody, you are nothing, you should sit idly and trust in someone else"? Why do we constantly blame an...

What is the 40-day practice? What is its meaning? Who practiced it in ancient times? How to curb one’s consciousness? How to starve it? How to become spiritually free? Can modern people use this practice? These and many other questions are discussed in the video 40-Day...

The first step towards the Creative Society. Igor Mikhailovich Danilov speaks about the event of global significance that took place on November 12th, 2022 — the international online forum Global Crisis. Our Survival is in Unity, which was simultaneously interpreted int...

There are true grains within religions, but there is also chaff. After encountering the Truth, many people gain a spiritual sight and face the question: what to do next? What to choose: Truth or lies, to keep one’s job or conscience? How to live honorably in this consum...

What happens at the moment when a person performs spiritual practice? How to deal with subjective perceptions that come after performing spiritual practice? Is it beneficial to consciousness when a person performs spiritual practice? Why does euphoria arise after perfor...

How does a person who has embarked on the spiritual path begin to be attacked by the system? What to do if in your past you have already invested a lot of attention in negative scenarios imposed by the system? How to become invisible to the system? How to gain spiritual...

This video outlines the tools that could facilitate and accelerate a person's spiritual path. How does CATHARSIS take place? How can a person expose the secret action of the system by voicing the Truth about himself to himself? Why does consciousness bring a person back...

Twists and turns of family life. What to do if only one of the partners follows the spiritual path, while the other one doesn’t share their partner's views and interests? What to do if "no one loves me" in the family? Is spiritual catharsis possible in families? How to...

Are there differences between the spiritual path of a woman and the spiritual path of a man? Who is closer to God in the spiritual sense, a woman or a man, and why? How do women and men feel God's grace in spiritual practices? Does the fact that a person was a man or a...

A Brief overview of international events related to the release of the exclusive report on climate and the future of humanity. Why is the year 2024 extremely important? What is the "climate Cerberus"? What awaits humanity in the year 2036? How can people influence the f...

How to build a happy relationship where both partners would experience much more pleasure and joy and would be much happier together than separately? Why do some couples succeed in building such harmonious relationships while others don’t? What is "love" in the concept...

Why is there no trust among people in society? Why is a human society in a state of collective paralysis when it comes to changing the vector of development of human civilization, and what should be done in order to change the situation? Why are the believers of various...

About the importance of setting a goal on the spiritual path. There are no trifles on the spiritual path because the devil acts through trifles and diverts a human from the main thing. A goal is like a guiding star. If you strive to achieve it, you are sure to achieve i...

One-on-one conversation. Igor Mikhailovich Danilov answers a question frequently asked by viewers. Why do we have doubts when we embark on the spiritual path? How to perform practices? How to learn to love? Why is it difficult to reach this very subjective sensation of...

Continuation of the subject discussed in the video Legacy of the Dead. About a person's after-death fate. Why was information about the after-death fate of a human deliberately distorted, and who benefits from that? About the influence of subpersonalities on a person's...

The world of people. How do the deceased influence lives of the living people? Who in a human provokes him to negative emotions, anguish, a sense of hopelessness and loneliness, and how to get rid of this? How do items, possessions, and inheritance from the deceased inf...

When a person encounters a deep inner feeling, a spiritual gift – grace of the Holy Spirit, it sometimes radically changes his life, in which God becomes a priority. How do people come to God and why? How to attain this boundless inner freedom? How to dive into the dept...

What is a strong Personality? What is the difference between a weak and a strong Personality? Every Personality has an inherent aspiration for spiritual development, an aspiration to return Home (to the Spiritual World), and every human being as Personality feels this....

How will introduction of the newest technology radically change the life of every person in the Creative Society? How can we defeat diseases, rejuvenate our bodies, correct bodily defects, grow muscles, lose weight, and do many other things with the introduction of new...

It is never too late to change the vector of one’s movement towards Life. Who am I? What is my purpose in this world? Can I change anything? Can I start a new life if I had a negative past? How to plead for one’s forgiveness? How to atone for the sin of blasphemy? Do I...

A frank conversation about the Truth and the choice that changes the world. Predictions of the Day of Judgment that the Prophet Muhammad spoke about are coming true. Now everyone determines whom he is with: “With God, honor and conscience, or with shaitan?” Whom does a...

How to perform spiritual practice correctly? How to work on oneself in order to achieve a state of the absence of thoughts? How to find out whether you have stopped thoughts in oneself and who in you determines that? Who controls this process? Meditative autogenic train...

Why does life seem fake to many people lately, as if it’s a bad dream? Why do people feel like they are in a game and see no meaning in here? Why do they consider this material life an illusion? What is the cause of such states?

What catastrophic situation has human society found itself in? Natural disasters are increasing in frequency and scale. The climate continues to change, while more and more money is demanded from people. The global crisis of the entire humanity is intensifying. Who make...

The truth about climate. Causes and consequences of climate change: what is really happening to the planet, and what threatens humanity?

What is the phenomenon of the ALLATRA International Public Movement? What does the power of unity consist of? Why is it that the more there are people on the planet, the more technologically advanced humanity becomes? Why are many of the latest technologies concealed fr...

Facts about the existence of life after death. What happens to a person after the death of his body? What does a person feel as a subpersonality? What are a person’s sensations when he is influenced by third forces? The after-death fate of a human is the most terrible s...

Phenomena of a human being and his connection to the electromagnetic field. Experiments. Can people influence and stabilize the Earth's electromagnetic field? What new opportunities open up when one united human civilization is formed, and how does the energy potential...

Life Goal
Life Goal
How to change oneself and to become different? What does it mean to really set a goal for one’s entire life? How to achieve one’s goal? How does setting the right goal influence a person’s destiny? What makes a person truly joyful? How to get out of a state of depressio...

What is a miracle? How and by means of what forces does this phenomenon occur? How to distinguish a false miracle from a real one? What price does a person pay for an ordinary miracle? Is the working of a miracle a criterion for a person's holiness?

About spiritual practice and the fire of endless Love: how to ignite this Love in oneself and incessantly support it in oneself? What is the difference between focusing attention within oneself and on oneself? What is perception through feelings in spiritual practice? H...

For many people, this life is the meaning of their existence only because they do not know a different life, let alone the life they will have after the death of their physical body. What should be done in order to stabilize oneself in spiritual development and start ge...

Why is there a steadily increasing number of people around the world who are affected by behavioral and mental disorders, as well as mental illnesses? How does climate change influence the mental health of the planet's population? Why nowadays do we observe a decrease i...

How do you want to live? Have you ever wondered what your future will be like if you build the Creative Society together with people from various countries of the world? How and where will you live, what will you eat and how? Will your everyday life be organized accordi...

Video about the ancient knowledge of what “the tithe of attention” is, how to safeguard oneself against the world of the dead, how to attain eternal Peace, and how to gain Life. Knowledge of the circumstances that EVERY PERSON will face sooner or later.

Where are you? What are you here for? How to find yourself and be yourself? Are you a slave or a free human being? How not to be a slave to illusions?

About the end times and the responsibility of the last people for the future of the entire humanity. What is service to Allah (the Spiritual World, God)? What is the difference between Service to Allah and personal Salvation? How to change oneself? How to defeat shaitan...

The Circle
The Circle
Since the dawn of time, there existed two spiritual practices: the Circle and the Lotus Flower. What is their essence, and what is the difference? In which religions was the Circle practice mentioned? What is “the outer circle” and what is the “inner circle” from the pe...

Spiritual growth, work on oneself, joint practices in a group. How to overcome difficulties and disagreements? How to work on mistakes? How to improve the quality of group classes? How to jointly overcome barriers of the system? Monologue or dialogue? How to stop wastin...

How to find one’s true Love? How to gain Life? How to feel God within oneself? How to learn to love and abide in God's Love?

How do images arise in human consciousness? How does a person suffer from them, and what consequences does it lead to? Why is a human the only being in the world capable of bringing illusions to life? Is it possible to get rid of an obsessive image forever and erase it...

How to find a way out of the endless crises of the consumerist format of society? How to get out of contrived delusions? How to change the situation in the world? How can we all come to an agreement and find a solution acceptable for all? A new world order: a single wor...

To be, not to seem. Images and imitation. Why are actions for show and hypocrisy considered a severe sin in Islam and Christianity? Whom does God help, and whom does God protect? What does it mean to take responsibility for one's choice? Practical steps on the spiritual...

Shaitan's soccer. How do people lose themselves in the desert of material illusions and daydreams, instilled thoughts, and mindsets? Who draws a person into endless arguments in his head and sorting out who is right and who is wrong? Who forces a person to invest valuab...

What is the energy of life? What do people waste life on? What are the functions of consciousness and Personality? What role does the power of attention play in human life? Is it harmful to dream, fantasize, and live in illusions? What are the consequences of magic, of...

A friend’s hand is a helping hand. What is spiritual salvation? How does it change a person, and what is its meaning?

Why does a person suffer from fears most of his life even though he wishes to live in love and joy? What is fear, and why does it prevail in human life? How can you get rid of fear? Why are cowardly people vainglorious?

Why did some people feel joy and inner calmness during extreme events, while others felt panic, hopelessness, and despondency? Why did this happen not only to people engaged in spiritual self-development but even to those who are far from religions? What are the consequ...

About the events in Kiev and in the Bucha District in late March 2022. An interview with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov. About people, times and events.

For Everyone
For Everyone
Spiritual practice. The practice of tunnelling. Work on oneself. Global climate change. Different physics. The multipurpose complex VOSKHOD (SUNRISE) — a new development by the XP NRG company. Communications of the future, prospects and capabilities of XP NRG.

True Heroes
True Heroes
People are not born heroes, they become true heroes! How to cope with doubts and believe in oneself? How to stop the bad in oneself and develop the good? What is our attention, and what is its mighty power? How to become free and happy? How can one influence changes in...

Videos with the participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov:

Life in the Spiritual World. What is the Spiritual World, the World of diversity and infinite Love, where no moment is repeated? The paradoxes of life in the Spiritual World: dynamics in statics. Why is the World of God eternal, while the world of the Universe (matter)...

In times of crises and global changes, it is important to find common solutions that would bring maximum benefit to everyone and result in the survival of humanity as a whole in the face of global climate change on the planet. What can be said to a true Friend in these...

CLIMATE CHANGE: what is happening, and WHAT SHOULD BE DONE? Threats and risks of the nearest decade. Questions and ANSWERS. We are people, and WE WANT TO LIVE! The future of humanity. How to survive? What changes will take place in the world economy and geopolitics? How...

This affects everyone! What kind of future is awaiting us very soon? A breakthrough in high technology. Creation of UNIFIED Artificial Intelligence — a thinking, self-learning multifunctional machine that surpasses a human in intelligence, figurative thinking, and intui...

Everyone will face this. Does life after death exist? Is there a continuation of a person’s conscious life after death? Who is “I”: body, consciousness, soul, or Personality? Why do people experience inner fear when facing death, and why does consciousness ignore the re...

The phenomenon of ALLATRA as an international self-organizing public movement which is unique in the world. Why, how and on what values do people unite all over the world, regardless of nationality, social status and place of residence?

What is a dispute, what is its cause and consequence? What awakens inside at that? Why do emotions boil up between disputants? Why is it very difficult to withdraw from a dispute?

What did the Prophets dream of at different times? Of life in Love and equality, in peace and justice - of the Creative and the Ideal Society. What universal Truth did they bring to this world? How did the Prophets envision the world of the future? What were their predi...

2021 New Year Greeting from Igor Mikhailovich Danilov.

What will be the benefits for a human in the nearest future, after building the Creative Society? How fast will the social structure of society, the human habitat and people’s everyday life change, taking into account the newest discoveries in physics that will ensure e...

At this difficult time of total people's disunity, global crises (from economic to climate), people unite on the basis of the Creative Society in order not only to survive together, but also to give a wonderful future to all humankind.

An epoch-making video which changes the destiny of people, nations and humanity. Unique primordial Knowledge about the Holy Spirit and His crucial role in the spiritual evolution of a human and humankind. How to gain the Holy Spirit in oneself? How to separate in onesel...

Artificial consciousness has been created for the first time in the world. Its developers have called it Jackie and made its external image as a robot bear for communication in three-dimensionality, although consciousness itself is invisible. The artificial consciousnes...

Angels don’t fall! How does an Angel emerge in a human? What is his angelic nature, and how does true Life emerge in him? What is God’s Love, and how to gain it? What does the Spiritual World represent, and what is Life like there? Who is God? Who inhabits heaven, meani...

We live in times of global changes, and it depends on all of us whether there will be a future or not. About the advent of the era of renovation and its signs. Predictions. About the importance of unification of all people and the unity of everyone. How can people learn...

An exclusive interview with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov to the International Internet Television ALLATRA TV about the Creative Society.

Human life is very short. How to sort out numerous paths that lead to God? How not to get confused in volumes of chaff, distortions of the Truth, translation errors and interpretations from the mind by mediators? What has been lost in the holy scriptures of various reli...

How to find oneself and one’s mission in life? What is the meaning of life, and how to find it at any age?

Office tour of IT company XP NRG IT. Creation of Artificial Consciousness. New information about human consciousness which you didn't know before. 

The truth of Life. The truth about ALLATRA  

What to expect from this decade? What will our future be like in it? Irreversible processes are already taking place on the planet. The world press is full of messages and official statements on global climate change. “Climate Chaos”, “Climate Anomalies”, “Unpredictable...

How to take the first steps on the spiritual path? How to identify oneself as Personality? How to figure out who you are? How to discipline one’s consciousness? How to ignore intrusive thoughts? What is the meaning of spiritual practice, and how to perform it correctly?...

New Year's greetings from Igor Mikhailovich Danilov and participants of the video God is the Ultimate High

Where to find true happiness and freedom? How to come into contact with the Spiritual World, the world of God? A person seeks happiness in psychology, in religions, in chemical addictions (alcohol and drugs). But at that, why does his psychological state only become wor...

Every person has a need to share happiness and live in a society of happy people. Every person wants to contribute to building a society that everyone would really like to live in. It is difficult to remain indifferent when you realize that everyone can live in happines...

The spiral of silence has cracked… Who forces people to be emotional and why? How to become free from the system? Why do unexpected emotions arise during sleep at night? How to become Free from mindsets that drain human energy and time of life?

What prevents a person from being happy and what is a true happiness? Why does it happen: it got better at work, a conflict in the family appeared, it got better in the family, problems with relatives, neighbors have arisen? Why do people argue, and who is guilty? How c...

ALLATRA: Behind the Scenes of the new video "What is Happiness?". How to always be HAPPY? How to live in this state of happiness forever? How to make sure that happiness does not disappear and is always constant? Igor Mikhailovich Danilov answers these questions which c...

How to live happily, to develop spiritually and to participate actively in the life of society at that?

Advertising based on new physical principles. Advertising, imperceptibly controlling a person, imposing an irresistible desire on him. Advertising which cannot be rejected. Is it possible? As shown by the results of the experimental project "Pyramid", such technologies...

Does God exist? Is the Spiritual World real? Sooner or later, every person asks himself these questions, regardless of whether he is in any religion or not. However, in search of the answer, numerous other questions associated with God and various doubts from consciousn...

Experimental evidence that thought is material and that negative influences on a human come from outside. Where does the emotion arise from? Where do obsessive images appear in the head from? Who imposes negative states and thoughts? What are the third forces? What know...

Why do states of fakeness, artificiality, and unreality of this material world arise? Why has the system been failing lately (hovering of objects and birds in the air, cars collide with invisible obstacles)? Why does our brain constantly draw extra details to a situatio...

Impact and protection. In a consumer society, a person lives under the conditions of permanent informational and psychological stress, impact on him from the outside. How to overcome these problems on one’s own and protect oneself from these kinds of impacts? 

SHIELDing on the path of life. What is a spiritual SHIELD  and how to gain it?

How to avoid tricks and ruses of consciousness which it applies to a human being on the path to spiritual liberation? How to invest attention in spiritual self-development rationally? How to distinguish grains of Knowledge from chaff? Issues of internal search, catharsi...

The value of life on the verge of events that are changing the world. What disaster is coming upon  humanity? What will happen in the nearest years? What problems of survival will the overwhelming majority of people living today face?

What has caused the situation that we as a society are now on the verge of collapse, and what is a way out of the current situation? Why is the consumer-based format built upon falsehood, deception, manipulation, and retention of power? The consumer-based format “consum...

Sharp climate change. What should everyone know? How to survive tomorrow? The programme, which acutely raises vital topics of climate change on the planet and warns about the upcoming events.

A very important programme for all who really work on themselves in each day, who aspire to learn to control their consciousness and to Live as Personality. Valuable spiritual advice on how to overcome oneself. Answers to questions that are frequently encountered by peo...

Games of consciousness, gaming addiction of the system. It is shown on examples of addiction to computer games how a person gets drawn into an illusory game of the system which suggests that he spend time and attention on the life of an illusory image – an “avatar”. A p...


Why does the world community live by double standards, by double morality? Why does a person say one thing, think another thing, and act in a third way? Why do double standards of consciousness cause conflicts and tragedies in relationships? How does consciousness play...

About the mission of a true man. Who is the Knight of the Spirit? What was meant by this in remote antiquity? What is the essence of a man? What is the essence of a woman? What have people lost? What is the sacral symbolical image of the spirit of a true man? Jesus, Pro...

Is it good or bad to have sex? Is sex love or physical activity? What is sexual energy? Flirting, sex, power – the dictatorship of images? What is chastity? What is celibacy? How does the system impose false feelings on a human being? Is sex a hindrance on the spiritual...

A unique video that reveals the essence of the spiritual path of a human being through the spiritual grains of Islam in their beauty and purity, which, like a great ocean, unite the mighty rivers of Islam in their core.

The Truth is one for everyone
ABOUT THE SERVICE TO GOD in the highest sense and about the meaning of human life. How to transform from dead into Alive? What is Salvation, and what is Service? What is the Spiritual World, the World where Love, harmony and freedom reign? The point of origin of all eve...

The Truth is one for everyone
Simple techniques of working with one’s own consciousness. The very first steps of working on oneself. It’s very simple. How to learn to control one’s own consciousness, and how to control thoughts? How to get rid of the dictatorship of consciousness and its obsessive t...

The Truth is one for everyone
Programme Participants: Igor Mikhailovich Danilov, Zhanna, Tatyana. The answers to main questions asked by atheists, believers, priests, and people who aspire to find the path of true immortality. Black and White. What is true immortality and how to attain it during...

Igor Mikhailovich Danilov, “Regardless of religious belief, and regardless of whether a person is a materialist or not, or whether he believes in one religion or another, we are all just relatives, moreover, very close ones. For the Spiritual World, there is no differen...

The Truth is one for everyone
A conversation of the host - Tatiana with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov about God’s Love, how to attain and accumulate it. An experience of perception through feelings. What is Spiritual Grace? How to acquire it? Why do people lose it when falling into despair. How does con...

Questions of participants from various countries regarding the spiritual path, and answers from Igor Mikhailovich Danilov.

Conversation with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov. How does consciousness work? What substitutions and mindsets does it instil in a person during his childhood, youth, and adult life?

Consciousness disputes in people’s heads whether such thing as astral projection exists, and what is this paranormal phenomenon all about? Consciousness imposes doubts upon the materialists, saying that it doesn’t exist and exhausting them with its primitive arguments o...

18+ This is more than an extrasensory influence on a person through a photograph or a video. This is the mechanism of influence on a living object at a distance of 300 km from the operator. A shocking experiment on a living being (a barnyard fowl), answering a met...

A shocking video revealing the truth about suicides, death, and transitional states. Eyewitnesses’ stories. Autocide. Why do innocent children, teenagers, and mentally healthy people who did not even think about committing suicide, die? For what reasons do people not no...

Conversation with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov. This video contains answers to many questions about the invisible world that every person is in contact with in their daily life. What do people not see? Whom do they feed with their attention and negative emotions? The...

Unique effect on blood. The PYRAMID experiment. The conversation was held by Igor Mikhailovich Danilov. In this documentary, an unusual experiment on the impact of the Pyramid device on human blood is shown. What is the difference between a sick person and a healthy one...

The Truth is one for everyone
Meeting of ALLATRA International Public Movement participants with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov. A heart-to-heart talk about what a person, walking a spiritual path, comes into contact with, while overcoming the system’s resistance, his or her own hostile consciousness, it...

A series of unique practical experiments with the use of the "PYRAMID" apparatus, which has no analogs in the world, continues. This time, everyone who wishes, regardless of distance and time, can personally participate in an unusual experiment – to impartially perceive...

The release of the documentary “Human Violates the Laws of Physics. Supernatural Experiment PYRAMID” provoked an enormous interest and became one of the most popular videos on YouTube. The scientific and experimental PYRAMID device, which allows carrying out supernatura...

Sensational studies of consciousness outside the body! Unique experiments with the use of the most advanced pyramid-framed equipment that has no analogues in the world. Scientific and experimental project PYRAMID reveals tremendous opportunities for studying the phenome...

This is an alive conversation with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov. It is an alive book. It is the beginning of global events that will inevitably have further development. It is a consequence of what happened on December 21, 2012. It is the next step after the book “AllatRa”...

This is an alive conversation with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov. It is an alive book. It is the beginning of global events that will inevitably have further development. It is a consequence of what happened on December 21, 2012. It is the next step after the book “AllatRa”...

This is an alive conversation with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov. It is an alive book. It is the beginning of global events that will inevitably have further development. It is a consequence of what happened on December 21, 2012. It is the next step after the book “AllatRa”...

This is an alive conversation with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov. It is an alive book. It is the beginning of global events that will inevitably have further development. It is a consequence of what happened on December 21, 2012. It is the next step after the book “AllatRa”...

This is an alive conversation with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov. It is an alive book. It is the beginning of global events that will inevitably have further development. It is a consequence of what happened on December 21, 2012. It is the next step after the book “AllatRa”...

This is an alive conversation with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov. It is an alive book. It is the beginning of global events that will inevitably have further development. It is a consequence of what happened on December 21, 2012. It is the next step after the book “AllatRa”...

The Truth is one for everyone
This is an alive conversation with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov. It is an alive book. It is the next step after the book “AllatRa”.

The Truth is one for everyone
The Truth is One for Everyone. Release topic: The coming cataclysms. Relations between people. Revival of humaneness Unique conversation with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov

"It is not just a forum, friends, it's more than that… Today is a really significant day. Why? Because today's event lays the foundation for our future, our common future." With these inspiring words, the esteemed Igor Mikhailovich Danilov began his speech at the Intern...

Questions for Igor Mikhailovich Danilov from Silvia from the Netherlands.

The Truth is one for everyone
A unique video with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov, understandable without any words. The spiritually filled silence. Simply LIFE!

The Truth is one for everyone
Illusion and the Path. The Truth is One for Everyone. Episode 2. In this video, issues of human self-improvement on the way to God are discussed.