Raging storm Amanda → Storm Cristobal in the Gulf of Mexico Thunderstorms in the USA → 87000 lightn

Raging storm Amanda → Storm Cristobal in the Gulf of Mexico Thunderstorms in the USA → 87000 lightn Record rains in Russia and China. Abnormal hail in Italy. Multiple threats in the US. Storm Amanda in Guatemala and El Salvador. Storm Cristobal in the Gulf of Mexico. Heavy flooding in the United Arab Emirates and Oman. Large-scale locust invasion in Iran. Abnormal heat in Central Asia. Dry may in the UK Raging storm Amanda → Storm Cristobal in the Gulf of Mexico  Thunderstorms in the USA → 87000 lightn Raging storm Amanda → Storm Cristobal in the Gulf of Mexico  Thunderstorms in the USA → 87000 lightn Raging storm Amanda → Storm Cristobal in the Gulf of Mexico Thunderstorms in the USA → 87000 lightn