Programme Participants: Igor Mikhailovich Danilov, Zhanna, Tatyana.
The answers to main questions asked by atheists, believers, priests, and people who aspire to find the path of true immortality. Black and White. What is true immortality and how to attain it during one's life without intermediaries? Peculiarities of consciousness' work, its tricks and filters on the spiritual path. Consciousness' branding in the system's incubator. How to become free from the shackles of the system and gain spiritual Love and true happiness.
The programme features the movie "Atlantis. The Elite in Search of Immortality". The TRUTH about the origin of the elite in contemporary society and their search for immortality. The elite are El's servants. The story of archaic highly developed civilization Atlantis, mentioned in the world's literary heritage of Sumeria, Babylon, and Hellas as well as in the myths of different peoples of the world. Highly developed technologies, fight for power, climatic weapons, nuclear war of the antiquity, megaliths, unique technologies of prolonging life beyond the limit of the species, immortality in the body for the chosen ones. Facts and evidence. How has the ideology of Atlantians' descendants affect the modern outlook of the humanity? The history of plot development of the world elite. SHARP AND RAPID CHANGE OF THE CLIMATE. The last threshold.
- Ricki Lynette18 Jun 2021, 20:12What is the original jesus prayer so that i say it right and not the way people have changed to be. I would like to know the original way not the manipulated way.Respond
- Jon03 May 2021, 00:10How might I get in contact with Zhanna? I would love to have a conversation and an interview.Respond
- Jon02 May 2021, 23:48What is Zhanna's last name? Does she even have one?Respond
- Ricki Lynette30 Oct 2020, 20:21what was the jesus prayerRespond
- Kyle27 Apr 2020, 19:42The lady on the right in the blue why does her eyes change at 12:54Respond
- Srecko26 Mar 2020, 13:49Humans are not yust personas,it is yust an indentity aquired in this lifetime,which will be gone together with all memories upon death of the body,body is not our true form,our true self is beyond the mind,beyond the body,beyond this world,all the images and thoughts coming to us can be seen before they appear and thus can be free from them,only thing that matters is our trueself,gods and devils are human creations to yustify good and bad things and to give ppl comfort in this life,the souls keep on reborning as a cycle but never knowing thier true self makes them ignorant and forgetting why are they here,i can keep goin but this is inaf.Respond
- Alina08 Jan 2020, 16:53Thanks so much. Unique facts and information in general, which is helpful for everybody and explains what is going on. Besides this programme shows there are ones , who take care of us, discovering the truth. And now it is the right to make our own choice to live with Love or with evil.Respond
- SERGIO CARLOS PIGNA26 Dec 2019, 13:11Sería interesante conocer el pensamiento basado en una "supuesta" inmortalidad, de que? cuerpo físico? Conciencia o Espíritu?. Creo que de estas 3 alternativas sobre la primera habría que aclararnos un concepto. Para qué. preservar un envase finito, hacernos creer en una juventud eterna?, no creo tenga sentido. El proceso infinito del huevo la crisálida y la mariposa, se manifiesta en todos los procesos naturales y si hay nacimiento, debe haber termino de ciclo. Ahora la conciencia, portadora senciente de nuestras experiencias de vida en múltiples existencias...prevalecerá cual HD y el átomo Nous, es energía pura que no se destruye, se transforma, se integra a una mayor, siempre estará. Entonces la pregunta obvia, a que se refiera la "oferta" de felicidad perenne, gozo ilimitado en un envase reacondicionado?Respond
- JP hi25 Dec 2019, 23:09Muito BOM, Conhecimento importante para que as pessoas tomem coragem de mudar por elas proprias o comportamento em relacao a sociedade de consumo e Inicarem o trabalho de Desenvolvimento Espiritual com o objectivo de um dia consigamos Todos mudar este Mundo onde vivemos, deixando-o melhor para as geracoes futuras.JPRespond
- Adrian25 Dec 2019, 17:01I am in love with an alien:)Respond