The series of unique practical experiments with the PYRAMID device continues. The equipment has no analogs in the world. This time, everyone who desires, regardless of distance and time, can personally participate in an unusual experiment and impartially feel the remote work of both the Operator who is inside the PYDAMID device and the equipment itself.
The uniqueness of this experiment is that this subtle instantaneous interconnection is maintained beyond time and space. In modern quantum physics, this is called non-locality. However, its nature has not been studied to this day. Scientists are only at the stage of theoretical understanding that all quantum particles in the universe, which are or once used to be in one state, remain internally connected with each other.
Official page of the project on the ALLATRA SCIENCE website:
Official email of the project:
- nicola26 Jul 2020, 14:57i wasnt sure if i felt relaxed or drained by this but i did notice a stillness and calming effect.... i also noticed that my peripheral view almost clouded over but thats probably due to concentrating on the equipment.... i did however almost instantly notice i felt a pressure in my head and over the bridge of my nose and behind my eyes.... this was very apparent... not an ache but a pressure....Respond
- Dr.h.c .Claudia-Maria-Anna Czechkov-Kramer19 Jan 2019, 22:57I would love to be part of the nexr worldglobal pyramid -experiment again...wonderful idea !!Respond
- Richard DS19 Oct 2018, 07:27I watched this without distraction, or preparation as soon as I came across it at random.My experience watching was mechanical analysis of the structure of the pyramid and the room for the first five minutes, then the second five minutes I felt like I had energy like strong sunlight particles thrown into my body between my solar plexus and crown chakras, on the back of my shoulders it felt like particles of ash or light sand falling down onto my back. Thoughts of a hexagram, the commonly seen shape on movies and tv came to mind, although I had not considered that I was supposed to receive a shape, seeing the invitation afterwards this is what I remember thinking of.On the third five minute span of the experiment I felt the energy I received in my upper body spread down to my toes, and in the final five minute span my whole body filled with energy, I could feel a pressure of being full of light.I watched this at the end of the evening sitting at my desk relaxing. I will try watching at different times of the day to see how it affects my day, and perspective. Thank you for the invitation to participate. Richard Schabler, (Vancouver, BC, Canada)Respond
- Khurshid Singh18 Sep 2018, 19:08It is very much possible without doubt need to be work on itRespond
- Laila18 Sep 2018, 11:09I'm in :)Respond
- Jyoti Ramakrishnan15 Sep 2018, 05:06Would like to joinRespond
- Allyson Monti14 Sep 2018, 22:05Hi, I am interested in participating although I live in Australia, is this possible? ThanksRespondShow responses (1)
- Tonia Mullen12 Sep 2018, 13:04I am very interested in participating in this experiment! I have always been a fan of pyramid power, this one looks amazing! I am a psychic reader and empath.Respond
- Bensoltana09 Apr 2018, 23:28I'm in ....,100%Respond
- Dorian Cara03 Apr 2018, 14:37I am with youRespond