If we look at history, the question arises, why do we still live in a world full of divisions, even among Christians, where today millions of people are dying in wars, in violence, in hunger, and what is no less terrible, losing their humanity in the struggle for survival? Humanity as of today is indeed falling into an abyss. People are trying to figure out what was the trigger, that first step in the wrong direction, that led us all, the people on this planet, our whole humanity to go the wrong way. The eternal question is: who is to blame? Why are we, being intelligent, being smart people, having all the possibilities - but until today we are disconnected, we are manipulated, we kill each other, we hate each other? Why have we not been able to build one honest right world, a world where everyone would be well, where Life would be valued, where the precepts of the prophets would be fulfilled, where the will of God would reign?
- Danijela Cirman Gašparić31 Jul 2023, 12:58Velika hvala poštovanom Igoru Mihajloviću i svjetlu koje donosi u ovim vremenima Hvala na Istini, Znanju i Ljubavi koju donosi ljudima ❤️😇🪷❤️😇🪷❤️Respond
- Clesio Silva30 Jul 2023, 15:11A Política a Religião a Economia a Ciência e Tecnologia atualmente Controlados e Manipulados por um Grupo Pequeno Oculto com interesses próprios e Escusos em desfavor da Humanidade! Estás Energias Sintonias e Vibrações precisam mudar gradualmente drasticamente e para sempre! As Nações Humanidade Povos e Raças não podem mais permanecem divididos separados e em lutas com guerras constantes! Estamos entre os humanos trabalhando firmemente para que isso aconteça! Somos a Intervenção nesse Planeta e Mundo!Respond
- Tatyana26 Jul 2023, 17:42The depth of the revelation is stunning. I was shocked to hear to all the threats that Igor Mikhailovich went through. Who could have guessed that all these terrible, cruel, dirty deeds were done by priests. But why they are able to do what they do? Because they have money that we give them. The absurdity and horror of the situation and our responsibility in it is shocking. You understand that they do it thanks to us, usual people, who goes to church and give our money. We are sponsors of them killing us and manipulating on us. Maybe it's time for us to stop doing it??? And stop supporting those killers?Respond