An exclusive interview with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov to the International Internet Television ALLATRA TV about the Creative Society.
What is the Creative Society on simple examples, clear to everyone? How to form conditions for the development of the Creative Society focused on the benefits and freedoms of a Human in the shortest possible time? Detailed information on the 8 Foundations of the Creative Society. Examples from life. What is the status of a Human in the Creative Society? Self-governing society. What perspectives does the Creative Society have for humankind? How will it help you and how will it affect the lives of your children, your grandchildren, great grandchildren?
What are the real reasons for the emergence of crises, conflicts in society and how to resolve them? What are the fundamental differences between the consumer format of society and the creative one? The truth as it is. A world without wars, without exploitation, without poverty is possible!
Sensational statements, simple answers to very important questions for a human and human society in an interview with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov.
ALLATRA International Public Movement official website:
The Creative Society Project official website:
- Diana Sahib29 May 2021, 20:10Truly inspiring series on the topics Creative Society, I am blessed to be part of ALLATRA and thankful for Mr. Danilov's love and support through these podcasts! THANK YOU #dreamteam #nonprofitrocksRespond
- Fanja Rakotonirina02 Nov 2020, 00:28I m very impressed. I ‘ d like to know more. Thank you for giving us hope.Respond
- Connor08 Sep 2020, 03:48I believe as beings we can accomplish this. If you’re reading the comments, spread your knowledge to as many other loved ones as possible. Being aware is power and by being aware of our power we out weigh the dark 10 times out of 10.Respond
- Alharith07 Sep 2020, 17:44I believe its upon us as humanity to be fully responsible for our actions so as to take car of ourselves and our environment by fair sharing of our resources on the land, oceans and space.Respond
- satish Sunkara25 Jul 2020, 03:14Really this type news to the world servicesRespond
- JP21 Jul 2020, 09:58But we still have a CHANCE...All depends on the choice of MenRespond
- JP21 Jul 2020, 09:55Creative Society very urgent ...Let's work Together to build such a beautiful FutureAllatRa ForeverRespond
- Christian04 Jul 2020, 23:08I am very touched, and very inspired, as the Creative Society and the people already promoting this much needed and also wonderful concept are indeed focussing at improving human life in practice! We have the technology, the resources, the education and above all, the people, to make it happen! Thank you, Allat Ra TV!Respond
- JP29 Jun 2020, 18:31Very important to understand our near future and work positively on it ...Building a Creative and Constructive SOCIETYRespond
- JP23 Jun 2020, 06:53Let's build the Future, TODAY! ! ! Creative Society is a reality ! ! !Thank you so much for this opportunity Igor Michaelovich Danilov and All AllatRa ParticipantsRespond