What prevents a person from being happy and what is a true happiness? Why does it happen: it got better at work, a conflict in the family appeared, it got better in the family, problems with relatives, neighbors have arisen? Why do people argue, and who is guilty? How can we resolve conflicting situations with a simple way? Can we exist without a conflict and be happy?
How does consciousness substitute the meaning of happiness? How to learn not to suffer from thoughts, but to control one’s consciousness ? How to get rid of dictatorship in one’s head? Why does consciousness perceive the world hostilely and keeps a person in a state of fear, suspicions, aggression and protection? How to stop being a sofa critic and to start acting towards one’s happiness?
What is happiness and what is a true freedom? Why a certain person dreams to be happy, but at the same time the rest of humanity is unhappy? Why is a person inactive in order to reach happiness? What can a person do in order to step over barriers in consciences on the way to one’s happiness? How to realise that the future of all society depends on everybody's choice? What must be done so that society could live happily? Why, when a person lives a spiritual life, no matter where he is, he isn’t alone? What does immeasurable happiness mean and how to reach it?
CONSCIOUSNESS AND PERSONALITY. From the inevitably dead to the eternally Alive.
Programmes with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov
E-mail: info@allatra.org
- Dmitry22 May 2020, 06:40Thank you all very much! It's so warm and verily!Respond
- Tanya Hristyuk21 May 2020, 16:05Every person on Earth was born to be happy! Happiness is inside of us. We can feel it every moment of our life. Thank you so much, Igor Mikhailovich, for knowledge that you give to us, for your love, kindness and patience. I believe that creative society has already come.Respond
- Алла20 May 2020, 14:24I'm really happy to watch every programme with the participation of Igor Mikhailovich. It's a great gift for all of us. Everything is explained in the simplest way, in such a way that inside you feel- it si exactly so. Only find yourself and learn all the time and with pleasure. I'm so happy to be with you/ Thank you so much, dear !!!!!Respond
- Анна13 May 2020, 13:33В созидательном обществе хотелось бы чтоб не было разногласий между людьми.Чтобы общество было построено на любви, уважание, взаимопонимании и доверие. СпасибоRespond
- Sergii25 Jan 2020, 10:04Thank You Igor Mikhailovich and all the AllatRa Participants!!Indeed, secret of happiness is sooo simple - thank you for sharing:)Love and ThankfulnessRespond