Extraterrestrial civilizations. The Anunnaki. Are they present on our planet? Who are they: helpers or enslavers? What is their mission on Earth? How to separate the truth from fiction in the sea of information?
You can find the answers to these and many other questions by joining an international online conference “The Truth about the Annunaki. Kaleidoscope of Facts” which will take place on May 13, 2021 at 15:00 GMT.
"Kaleidoscope of Facts", all episodes
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- Mirjam C. Schouten, BASc.19 May 2021, 09:11Thank you all, it is time our extraterrestrial friends get the chance to help us grow faster. Much love, Mir.Respond
- Tobias Ruiz (Author "It Is What It Is")26 Apr 2021, 16:30I explained using evidence that is physical, geological, anthropological, and centered around the fallen angel story in the book of Enoch, who and what these beings that continue to live underground in various places worldwide are. Starting with operation "Niblick" the U.S. government tried to eradicate this species, there were a total of 828 underground nuclear detonations, most with radioactive venting and the species was not killed. Plotting these so called "Underground seismic soil conductivity experiments" the path & times of the detonations lead to a clear outward to inward path in which some of these beings were herded to the location which is none other than area 51. Your photo enhancement of the eyes of this human (whoever she is) is entertaining, but illogical. My entire body has been affected by a fungal form of psoriasis which started when I camped next to one of the underground vents which the military was unable to find and seal up. I camped in regions known from historical accounts to be where offspring of the fallen angels congregated, and did battle with Paiute & Shoshone braves in ancient days. Curiously, Ree Heights, South Dakota is another area where these angel offspring congregated. Ree Heights is where Albert Gitchell (the man who started the Spanish Flu) was from. The watchers (fallen angels) have had, and will continue to have the job of subduing the earth, we are being subdued, and there is nothing that can be done to stop it. Since so many people have to cease to exist we DO have the right as the human species to choose who exists, and who doesn't, this has been the right of humans since the beginning. Little advice though, those which perpetuated the materialistic mentality of anthropocentric living should be those who cease to exist, or we will have continued subduing events until the human species is stabilized. It Is What It Is.RespondShow responses (1)
- Daniel C22 Apr 2021, 10:47What was the name of Earth? Thank youRespondShow responses (1)