Kaleidoscope of Facts

"For me personally, Truth is one of the names of God. Some people say God is Love, others say God is the Truth. One does not contradict the other because God has many names," shares a researcher and an author of articles for "LiveJournal", Nina Sorokina.

Who are they – the mediators between God and people? Why are religious rituals and traditions akin to magic? Angelology and heavenly hierarchy – how and for what purpose did they arise? How did Plato interpret the concept of goodness, and what significance did it have f...

Holidays are an integral part of our life. Sometimes we celebrate them and do not even think about their meaning. But where did they come from? Why do some holidays have a fixed date, while the date of others changes every year? And what happens on these special days at...

In all corners of our planet, scientists find artifacts with images of extraterrestrial beings.

A human being is intricately designed. It has both visible and invisible aspects. We are used to associating ourselves with the body. We feel and see it. While the functions and processes occurring in it, from the scientific standpoint, are somewhat studied, the invisib...

What do pyramids, Indian temples, a man who frightened Hitler, and IBM have in common? Crystals are what unites them. Used by people throughout the existence of humankind, yet we are still unaware of all their possibilities.

Ages change, people change, technical progress changes, but what remains unchanged is people's faith in a bright future. Advancing technologically, humanity in the late 19th and early 20th centuries achieved significant success in obtaining electrical energy from the e...

Today, the mass media actively frightens us with the possibility of using nuclear weapons, and this is not without reason. Humankind has experience of waging wars with the use of nuclear weapons. To whom and why is it profitable to arrange armed conflicts?

Our planet is full of mysteries that constantly amaze us with new discoveries. One such mystery is signs and symbols that are ubiquitous. They are present both in sacred structures and in everyday life. But do we know what influence they have on our lives?

What is the uniqueness of the Saint Sophia Cathedral? Why does this structure still amaze architects, and are there any analogs to this cathedral? What spiritual knowledge and symbols are sealed in the architecture of the cathedral? Why were religious services stopped i...

What kind of world would people like to live in? What changes need to happen in society for everyone to feel happy? What universal human values should prevail in society? What is true association and unity?

There is one molecule that is present in every cell of every living being without exception, including our body. This is the DNA molecule.

"History has taught us to believe concerning how civilization has evolved from hunter gatherers 6000 years ago to building monuments," tells us the author and international lecturer, the current grand master for the order of the Temple of Sacred Initiates Timothy Hogan.

"Approaching scientific and metaphysical knowledge science and spirituality is the right path to follow, and it is exactly the one they left 120 years ago and to which we should return if we want to move on. We have to go back to Tesla ideas," shares with us the theoret...

"What has driven me over the years is something that Socrates, the ancient Greek philosopher, is quoted as saying, which is to know is to know that you know nothing that is true knowledge." shared English writer, speaker, former football player and sports broadcaster Da...

"Everything that humanity has ever invented or will invent already, almost certainly, has an analog somewhere in nature," Nina Sorokina shares with us.

"The Crystal acts as an information storage device. But it does it in ways that are way more advanced than we know," Dan Willis shares with us.

Rarely does a person, watching birds soaring freely, not dream of learning how to fly. Just jump and... fly!

Humanity strained and... stepped a hundred years back. How did this happen? Are you ready to find out the truth? The international team of researchers continues to unveil little-known chapters in the chronicle of humankind.

After studying unusual artifacts, our research team has come to the conclusion that the evolution of humankind did not go exactly as it is described in history books. We have found plenty of evidence that alien civilizations visited Earth. These facts prove that the his...