What is Love? A person paces in cramped circles, without understanding what attaining of God’s Love is, how to develop oneself in Love. What does it mean to love and to be loved? What is perception through feelings? What is the Spiritual World? How to develop oneself spiritually and learn to feel much more – true Love?
Excerpt from the video From Atheist to Holiness
T: People indeed spend a lot of time in order to... Well, they just go around in a vicious circle and do not understand what the attainment of this Love is, what Love is. They do not even understand somehow what it means to love, because there are categories of consciousness...
IM: There is an old expression "bogatyr", yes? What is a "bogatyr"? That’s the attainment, the accumulation of God. What does it mean – accumulation of God? This is accumulation of Allat powers. Meaning, when a person as a Personality really aspires, when he begins to feel – this is the perception through feelings, and not some kind of tactility or something else... It is precisely the perception through feelings that allows one to feel the Spiritual World. And what is the Spiritual World? It is an endless joy, it is Love, it is absolute Grace. Isn't it so? And when a person, having felt this, begins to send Love himself, he himself begins to love sincerely and truly, then what can he get in response? Only Love. So that’s what accumulation is. And it turns out, the more he gives his love, the more he gets in return, and getting overfilled with it, he just shares it. That's when they say... "a person is with God." Because it emanates from him. But again, who can feel it? Very few people... And others, on the contrary, experience hatred that comes from consciousness, they envy him, or something else. Why? Because they look at the image. They see the image and immediately compare it with themselves. So that's where the conflict of interest arises: between consciousness itself and egoism, which the very consciousness has formed in a human. Isn’t that right? Everything’s simple.
T: Igor Mikhailovich, and love... does one need to learn it, or to somehow develop oneself in love?
IM: One should constantly learn and develop. The person comes to this world to learn and develop. Having learnt and developed, he can become an Angel. And if a person doesn't learn and develop, he will become a subpersonality 100%. There is no other way. And consciousness hinders him, it’s true. But actually there has to be an obstacle on the path. How else? What kind of path is it, if it's smooth and even? That’s not a path, is it? What would the person's merit be if the path were easy? Once we have already talked about Zoroastrianism and ancient religions. It is clearly described there because there is still an understanding of all this. This is exactly what we have also mentioned of Hyperborea, and that’s where these explanations already came from. This is in modern civilization. Well, again, similar explanations were also in the previous civilization. The one that ended with the disappearance of Atlantis and almost eight billion people. What has this led to?! There was knowledge, there were religions, everything was there!
- JP25 Oct 2020, 16:18Always good reminders, in order to keep us on track... Love, God's Love Thank youRespond