- The Sun. How long ago did people start watching it? What do we know about it and how does it impact our planet? Observatories dating more than 5,000 years back are being found all over the world.
- Why did the ancients watch the stars and the planets so closely?
- How does the Sun affect the planets and climate?
- What is happening to the Sun now?
- What do scientists say?
- What do we need to do today to reach a new level of science?
- Watch these fascinating facts in this episode!
Ancient observatories of the world. And their purpose
Many ancient observatories were built according to a single plan.Who built them and why? Angkor Wat in Cambodia, Abu Simbel in Egypt, Easter island structures, Machu Picchu, Stonehenge in the UK, Tiwanaku, Newgrange in Ireland, Arkaim in Russia and many others.
PhD in Physics and Mathematics Nikolay G. Bochkarev states that the space of these objects has some common features. They have a circular or pyramidal structure, a clear orientation to the cardinal points. The solstices and equinoxes were important points of reference for annual cycles.
What method did the Mayans use to achieve high accuracy in observing celestial bodies? Why did they make long and narrow slits in observatories - "sights"? Why were windows of observatories constructed to look at sunrise during the days of the spring and autumn equinoxes, summer and winter solstices? The Mayan's understanding that everything has a cycle.
Scientists agree that observatories built before our era were giant devices that allowed to track the key points of the Sun's movement, conduct observations of the planets of the Solar system, determine the location and coordinates of celestial bodies, and record all astronomically important events in space. Why was it necessary to record these events?
Observation of constellations and the relative position of stars. The effect of the precession - why does 'the spring point' happen a little earlier every year? The direction of the "precession drift" and the change of epochs - what does the cosmic clock warn us about? The cycle of 25920 years.
What do scientists say?
Professor of history, Giorgio de Santillana, writes in his book that the position of the Sun among constellations is like a clock.
How long does the Sun stay within the boundaries of one constellation? The days of the vernal equinoxes as the starting point of the precession cycle.
This countdown was important because it allowed us to know in advance about the cycles of climate change. For this purpose, the ancients built many observatories to observe celestial bodies.
Why are we being told that the ancient knowledge of the peoples of the world is "primitive beliefs"?
What is happening to the Sun now?
As you know, everything in the Solar system lives according to certain rhythms, cycles and laws.
Why is the temperature on the planet rising despite declining solar activity and entering the fourth period of low solar activity? Scientists do not yet know the reason for this behavior. Cycles of the sun.
Lake Victoria and its reaction to solar activity.
Opinion of scientists - Nikolai Vladimirovich Lovelius and Alexey Yuryevich Retejum.
The influence of giant planets on the number and strength of earthquakes.
Article by doctor of technical Sciences Filler, Zalmen Efimovich "The Sun and earthquakes".
How is the earthquake in Haiti that occurred on January 12, 2010 related to changes in solar activity? What happened to the Sun before the magnitude 9.0 earthquake in Japan on March 11, 2011.
The rate of change in solar activity and its impact on Earth’s processes.
Photospheric and deep processes of our Sun and phenomena in the Earth's lithosphere.
The Earth's core and the movement of the lithospheric plates. What is the connection between them?
What is the pattern revealed by the professor and doctor of physical and mathematical sciences - Yuri Vladimirovich Barkin? Why is the core most actively involved in the formation and change of the planet's climate? Cyclical release of heat and its impact on the activity of oceanic and atmospheric processes. Oscillations and displacements of the core and mantle and interrelation of all bodies in the solar system. Synchronicity of their natural processes and the leaps that occurred in 1997-1998 on the Sun, the moon, Earth, Mars and other bodies of the solar system?
The gravitational oscillation of the core and the mantle - what does it lead to?
Opinion of Boris Gavrilovich Tarasov, doctor of technical sciences, on the influence of space factors on geodynamic and seismic activity.
Inhomogeneity of the Galactic space and location of the Solar system relative to the Sun and the center of the Galaxy.
Force connections between the Sun and the center of the Galaxy. Their influence on the Earth's rotation speed, geometry, and core.
Solstices and equinoxes on the planets of the solar system.
Points of perihelion and aphelion, what processes occur on the planet during those? Compression and expansion of the Earth during these periods.
Local group galaxies - the Andromeda Galaxy and Magellanic Clouds- how do they affect the Solar System and the Sun? Oscillation of the earth's core and deviations in the movement of the Sun.
Scientific work of academician Nikolai Petrov " Solving the problem of Earth's climate change from the perspective of the law of conservation of life in Space.”
To what extent do changes in the Galaxy affect the Sun and, as a result, affect the processes not only on Earth, but on other planets of the Solar system? Why do climate changes occur on all the planets of the Solar System?
Mars, Triton, Pluto and Jupiter - what is happening to them?
Cyclicity as a derivative of astronomical processes.
Report by scientists of Allatra Science "On the problems and consequences of global climate change on Earth. Effective ways to solve these problems.»
The next cycle of 12,000 years and an increase in climatic events, start of the next active phase of global climate change.
How can we survive in this difficult period? What are the solutions? 8 foundations of a Creative Society.
- Kate27 Jan 2021, 09:54It really explains what is happening on Earth nowadays. Thank you, it's a very nice presentation!Respond
- JP21 Jan 2021, 10:44Very good understanding, in our world and dependent on what happens with the Sun and in the galaxy Thank you to every participant who came up with such Good documentaryRespond