The scorching heat is continuing in many regions of the planet New temperature records are being set. Bush fires are covering territories which were unreachable for them before. According to the scientists’ prognosis, increase in the air temperature will be seen on the planet for the next 5 years. While in oceans, such tendency may continue for a longer period of time. How does global warming affect the Great Barrier Reef?
Heat! What are the reasons? Abnormal weather! What is happening now to Earth? Scientists noted that climatic events on the planet are cyclical and are repeating, accordingly to different sources, every 9-13 thousand years.
Climatologists can’t keep up with so high number of abnormalities to make forecasts. Rossby waves. Their significant influence on planetary climate.
Why have been Rossby waves changing in recent years? Opinions of scientists. Watch in the programme “Climate Control” №107 on ALLATRA TV.
The programme “It is Coming. Се грядёт."
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Abnormal heat has been set in throughout last days in many regions of the world…
The temperature soared up till it’s record of 32,2℃...
The heat wave may aggravate the boosh fire situation in USA... Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, has reached the record mark…
Many regions of the planet are still suffering of the scorching heat. The new temperature records are being set. The wildfires are covering the territories which were unreachable for them before. The entire cities and regions are buried under water in other areas of Earth and huge hail is grinding crops in the fields.
According to the forecasts of climatologists Florian Sevelle, from Brest University, France, and Sybren Drijfhout from Meteorological Institute of the Netherlands, the air temperature rise on the Planet will be observed for the next 5 years.While as in oceans such situation may retain for a longer period of time. That was indicated by the results of simulation using new method of calculation of climate fluctuations.
One of the consequences of the global warming is so called “extreme weather phenomenon” such as periods of abnormal heat in winter and cold in summer, heat waves, week-long heavy showers, droughts and other phenomena related to uncharacteristic weather. One of the most striking examples of such phenomena is summer heat in Russia in 2010 or the Krymsk flood in 2012, which was described in the previous releaserelease of Climate Control.
One of the reasons for the set abnormal heat is the large air currents blowing from west to east at an altitude of 8 to 11 km above the ground. These are so called Jet Streams or high-level fast flowing air currents.
According to the British edition of “The Guardian”, Dann Mitchell, the senior lecturer of Bristol University advised that these currents had weakened significantly in 2018. Therefore the high pressure areas stay at the same place for long period of time.
Experts have noticed that anticyclone (the high pressure area) above the northern part of the Europe blocks the movement of the air masses. And that influences greatly the weather.
These atmospheric changes had led to the North Atlantic ocean surface temperature rise. Anomalous warming of the World Ocean waters in 2018 caused the shutdown of one of the reactors at the largest nuclear power plant in Sweden, Ringhals.The reason for this shutdown is extreme increase of the Baltic sea temperature. Its water, heated up to 25 ℃, is unable to sufficiently cool down the reactos.
The largest algae bloom for the last decade is observed at the Florida coast of USA. Flowering of phytoplankton, which imparts red colour to the water, is stimulated by high water temperature and leads to a decrease of oxygen amount in the water. This phenomenon, called the "Red Tide", causes a massive death of living organisms from suffocation. The fish dies in a quantities sufficient to totally cover up the entire coastline this year. The flowering of cyanobacteria, which produce toxins, adversely affecting humans and animals, including poisoning, suffocating and serious allergic consequences is following the "Red Tide" on the coast of Florida this year. This exacerbated the catastrophe further for both the fauna of the Gulf of Mexico and the people who swam there. It is interesting that such a bloom of cyanobacteria is also observed in the Baltic Sea.
One more catastrophic consequence of temperature rise is observed for several years in Australia. The Great Barrier reef is rapidly collapsing as a result of ocean heating. The experts advise that approximately half of the reef has died in the last 2 years. The point of no return has been passed and it is impossible to stop the destruction process. According to the scientists prognosis, about 60% of all reefs will be destroyed by 2030 and by 2050 they will completely disappear. Reefs are very sensitive to water temperature and start discoloration and destroy as it rises. But the reefs are an important component of the oceans ecosystem. The life cycle of 25% of fish is related to them. Besides, the reefs are protecting the coastline of the sea waves and prevent soil erosion. The reefs disappearance will lead to inevitable alterations in the entire oceanic ecosystem.
Extreme weather and climate phenomena, such as drought, heavy rain and heat waves, are a natural part of the Earth's climate system. Thus, in the case of climate stability under extreme temperature conditions, occurring in a certain period of time, the biosphere will not suffer, since it will have time to acclimate to relatively small deviations in the climatic situation. However, as the entire planet climate changes, these temperature extremes may reach far beyond the already familiar extremes. First of all this leads to the vulnerability of human society in the face of weather and climate phenomena. According to the IV Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, some weather and climate events will become more frequent during the 21st century.
We can observe the increase in these phenomena right now. For example, based on preliminary analysis, the average annual temperature of 2017 for the United States was 54.6 ° F, which is 2.6 degrees higher than the average value for the twentieth century. It was the 3rd warmest year since 1895 after 2012 (55.3 ° F) and 2016 (54.9 ° F), and the 21st year in a row, warmer than the USA average (from 1997 to 2017).
The US climatic extremes index for 2017 was more than 2 times higher than the average and took second place in the annual USCEI study for a 108-year history.
And this graph indicates the statistics of the annual global temperature anomalies of the land and ocean surface from 1880 to 2017, based on a temperature deviation from the mean value for the twentieth century. In 2017 the land and ocean surface temperature was approximately 0,84℃ higher than a mean value.
Scientists warn that due to climate change, short-term heat waves will become more frequent and stronger, and one of the main reasons for this change is global warming. But what lies behind this fuzzy and familiar formulation? What is the reason for the global warming itself? In this release we will consider the phenomena that makes a significant contribution to the formation of a planetary climate. It's about Rossby waves.
In 2013, Israeli scientists showed that the temperature and wind on the planet are not chaotic, but they move in accordance with the waves of Rossby. It shows that Rossby waves are the key factor in climate formation. These waves are of very long wavelength, they stretch for hundreds or even thousands kilometers. They are formed in the atmosphere because of the temperature difference between the polar and tropical latitudes, by the Coriolis force. One of the manifestations of Rossby waves in the atmosphere is formation of cyclones and anticyclones.
Cyclones are low pressure areas, which bring winds, thunderstorms and showers. Anticyclones are high pressure areas, which bring clear weather with less clouds, heat or frost accordingly to the season.
Rossby waves’ characteristics depend on many factors. As said before, they are formed because of the temperature difference between tropics and the polar zone. Glaciers are melting even faster and their area is smaller, it leads to more solar heat absorption. The temperature in the polar latitudes is rising faster than at the equator.
Rossby waves occur due to the Coriolis force, which influences all the objects that are in motion on the rotating object, in our case, on Earth. For example, the air streams in the Northern Hemisphere deviate toward the right, in the South Hemisphere - toward the left. In case of low speed this deviation is not observed, but the higher the speed, the more significant its deviation.
The Coriolis force sets the western direction for Rossby waves. The force of Coriolis itself depends on the speed of Earth rotation around its axis. Numerous research studies, including those by the team from Durham University, confirm the decrease in the Earth's rotation speed. This changes the meaning of the Coriolis force, therefore, Rossby waves are altering. Perhaps the recent shift of drought and rain zones is associated with the slowing down of the planet's rotation speed.
Besides the atmosphere, the Rossby waves are observed all around the ocean. They play a key role in the formation of all major marine currents such as the Gulf Stream, the Kuroshio, the Current of the Western Winds, and also such phenomena as El Niño and La Niña. Generally, the Rossby waves have a colossal influence on the climate of the planet and depend on the atmosphere temperature and the Coriolis force, which have recently changed because of objective processes of planetary and astronomical range.
Climate changes are noticed in various areas of scientific activity, not only in climatology and meteorology, but also in oceanology, astrophysics, geophysics. Scientists noted, that climatic events on the planet are cyclical and are repeating, accordingly to different sources, every 9-13 000 years. The more evidence is found that global climatic changes happened several times on our planet.
What is the reason of such regularity? Why is history repeating? Reasons and consequences. How to overcome this situation?
Polkanov Yurii Alekseevich (Physician. Signal structure, noise-like structure, self-organising structure, its stability and reorganisation, algorithms of remote sensing. Belarusian State Medical University, department of medical and biological physics, laboratory director):
In the atmosphere there are almost always waves because of the layered stratified structure. If atmosphere is comparatively stable, the processes are going on similar to those on the surface of, let’s say, the ocean, that is, there are always some waves. The point is, that the Rossby waves are associated with the planetary scales. There is a whole gradation and pyramid of waves, which are interacting with each other, and Rossby waves are as a top of an iceberg. For two weeks there is 30 ℃ in Murmansk. And it’s under conditions when there is almost no night, roughly speaking. It is clear that there is some human factor influence here, but at the same time it is impossible to reject that there are some natural cycles. They influence the general situation and we consider them as catastrophic. But that happened 10000 years ago. It was just the cycle same as the one, that we have got here. But these tips were in ancient India, for example. Epos says that it was something similar to it, including even nuclear wars. The consequences are noticeable. That is, I think those are not the first facts. Information is available, but it is in the annals. From a meteorologist or volcanologist point of view, the annals can not be used as the information source, and they are not looking at it, they are not interested. And the point is, that this is the chain of those generations that recorded this information. It should be monitored as well. So, if we somehow occasionally are not asking these questions, well than, everything will happen again the same way it happened before. It was all over there and it wasn’t good. And we just trigger a backlash again.”
Fragment from the programme: “From an Atheist to Holiness”
Igor Michailovich Danilov: There is the one who represents the Spiritual World. And when everything is coming beyond the limit, then… and there is no chance to turn around, when people are deaf and blind, it is naturally, that they got washed away.
Polkanov Yurii Alekseevich: A human should work on himself. He will understand what is happening around him if he would work on himself and bring his internal issues to order. It is unified process and it cannot be divided. It just simply shows us once again, that the catastrophes will keep happening if a human won’t get everything sorted inside himself. If he would, then, so to say, it will become clear what is happening and why. All these ideas Big Data, artificial intelligence - is some database, which will allow us to track all this by certain algorithms and get some conclusions, which in such a big format a human will be able to analyze and understand, not even at the level of logic, but feeling and sensation - that is our chance. That is our chance! He that hath ears, let him hear.
Fragment from the programme «Се грядёт. It is coming»
Igor Mikhailovich Danilov: in reality, very many people, they feel what’s happening to climate, they feel what’s going on with the world in general. And they feel such a need that today actually has very much ripened for spiritual development, spiritual evolution. From what they are told, they don’t find the answer to their inner questions. And so people try to figure it out on their own. And when they start finding answers, naturally, all barriers collapse. This is the truth.
Anna Dubrovskaya: Yes, indeed, an understanding…
Igor Mikhailovich Danilov: We see this now. And this cannot bring nothing but joy, if only because it provides a chance.