Earth is on the verge of global change.
Today the global climate change is obvious fact:
- catastrophic increase of seismic activity
- quantity of volcanoes that are activating reach critical point;
- continental line of Antarctica is totally changing because of rapid ice melting;
- hurricanes and tornadoes
- floodings
What does modern human know about it? What is said in scientific world? What role does humanity itself play in these processes?
What global disasters occurred 12000 years ago on Earth? What are confirmations of that? What do scientists say?
There is an interesting source of information: a map of Piri Reis. For those who are interested, he was the admiral of the Ottoman Empire. And he had a map. So, on this map Antarctica was depicted without ice. That is, there were designated rivers, harbors, animals that existed there. Well, this is a shock. How is that? Antarctica was discovered in the 19th century. Right?
Bellingshausen and Lazarev on their ships "Vostok" and "Mirny" discovered Antarctica - the last mainland. And where did Piri Reis, who lived, if I am not mistaken, in the 16th century, get those maps from? As he explained, he got them from Byzantine sources. And the Byzantines explained this by the Phoenician sources, that is, from the ancient Phoenicians. And where did the Phoenicians get this information? The history is silent about this.
But the fact is that according to modern science, Antarctica has been covered with ice for about 25 million years. The question is: who created these maps? Who saw Antarctica without ice? Was there a civilization 25 million years ago which did it? Then another question arises, this means there is a mistake. Or Antarctica has not been covered with ice for 25 millions years.
Studying the geology of the earth, these deposits are also visible there: when did the glacier come, when did it shift back? It brought deposits, sand materials, it formed a relief. And all this is visible.
It's like a map, like a book — just open and read it. Geology proves it. And it is clear that it happened not only 12 thousand years, but also 260 thousand years ago and even earlier it happened there and, unfortunately, it will happen again.
We know that we have examples of great woolly mammoths in Siberia. Where the animal was frozen so quickly that the meat was still edible by dogs when it was thawed um millennia later. We know that in some cases the last meal of the mastodon in the stomach of the carcass undigested… It implies that it could be very smooth quick roll to a different climate.
There are other indications that happens, there are primordial forests, petrified primordial forests at the South Pole, that you shouldn’t be able to grow with the amount of sunlight that persists there. These are the forests of the sort that the explorers Lewis and Clark found on the West Coast of the United States when they first arrived there. So the implication is that Antarctica hasn’t always been located in relation to the equator, where it is now.
Despite the unspoken scientific taboo, many scientists now say that everything on the planet happens with a certain cyclical nature, including global climatic events. A logical question arises: What cycles result in global cataclysms? What kinds of cycles can be, in general?
Cyclicity - from the Greek word Κύκλοs - a circle, a set of interconnected phenomena and processes that form a complete circle of development over a period of time.
What cyclic processes do we face in everyday life? The rotation of our planet around its axis with a duration of one circle is 24 hours, it creates one of the most commonly known cycles - the daily cycle. The rotation of the Earth around the Sun lasting 365 days causes a change of seasons, forming an annual cycle. Moreover, one of the famous cycles is the lunar month - this is the length of time from the new moon to the next new moon, which is slightly more than 29.5 days. In addition to daily, seasonal and annual cycles in nature, there are cycles with a different frequency.
Thus, the Earth periodically repeats its movement around the Sun, over and over again, the Sun repeats its movement around the center of our Galaxy. Cycles of solar activity follow one after another, periodic changes occur in the physical state of many stars, and the radiation intensity of some sources changes.
Obviously, the activity of many natural processes on planet Earth depends on cosmic cycles.
studied the Earth's development cycles, such as astrophysical, geological, biological, and historical ones. And he came to the conclusion that they are all subject to the Great Cycle of the change of epochs lasting 11,911 years.
“The planet Earth periodically turns over in space by 360 angular degrees, which causes the cyclical nature of global events - global catastrophes with a frequency of 12,166 years. Periodically, the whole face of the Earth, and environmental conditions change, which directly affects the historical development of mankind."
IGOR PETROVICH KOPYLOV, VITALIY VASILIEVICH BUSHUEVModern science has no doubts that there was the Great Flood. This event remained in the memory of the peoples and is noted in the Bible, as well as in ancient legends and myths. The last flood was in the 11th millennium BC. If we add 2000 years of our era to that number, now is the time for the new Great Flood.”
Alexander Pugach
Let's consider four processes, four cycles, which affect the position of stars in the sky and thus the appearance of the star sky.
The first is the daily rotation of the Earth. Every day we see how the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
The annual movement of the Earth around the Sun leads to the fact that we see different constellations: some in winter, others in summer.
The third cycle is the precession cycle. The relative position of the stars to the horizon of the Earth is changing over the course of 27 thousand years.
So, the fourth cycle is the movement of the solar system, including the Earth, meaning, around the center of the galaxy.
To date, one of the interesting and important cycles is the precession cycle, which allow to understand when drastic climate changes occur.
The most obvious and understandable way has been to observe the precession cycle by means of the star sky, or rather, to observe the change of eras.
Position of Orion and Draco constellations clearly shows stages of precession cycle.
But how to track position of these constellations through the thousand years precession cycle and what we get from it?
Giza pyramids complex and complex Angkor Wat — so-called "heavenly clock" help us to do that.
Graham Hancock
The pyramids and the Sphinx seem to be specially conceived to bring us to the understanding of the grandiose changes that the heavens undergo during the long precession cycle.
With help of pyramids position of Orion and Draco constellations is clearly trackable during the whole precession cycle - 25920 years. As a result observer could understand when global climate change time is coming and to prepare for that.
Let's move to Egypt to the oldest monumental sculpture of the Great Sphinx.
Sphinx always looks at the point of the vernal equinox on the celestial sphere, being a symbolic expression of this phenomenon.
Thus, the precession of the earth's axis makes the sunrise migrate on the day of the vernal equinox along the zodiac circle, changing epochs.
The fact is that a full circle or passage of the celestial body through 12 regions of the sky, through all the constellations of the zodiac signs is exactly the cycle of precession, which lasts 25,920 years in total, where one era lasts about 2160 years, respectively.
So now we got what is era change and why we are on the threshold of the era of Aquarius.
There is another convincing argument, the result of a truly titanic work of an epoch-making scale, where ancient people depicted the precession in religious architectural buildings on Earth, the Egyptian pyramids and the Angkor Wat complex - this is the so-called “heavenly clock” - indicating the times of the Crossroads, the global choice of civilization, known today to many as the “the pendulum of Orion and Draco" (position of Orion and Draco constellations)
The pyramids. Giza.
The unique geometry and proportions of these highly engineered buildings for millennia attracted the attention of both ordinary inquisitive people and historians, archaeologists, physicists, astronomers, architects and others. Today, the pyramids are the subject of many studies and scientific discussions.
“Though built in different times they were located in strictly determined coordinates, with strict orientation in the time of building at certain stars. Globally, it’s a kind of a map. Initiators of creation of such pyramids were people who possessed this knowledge. Imhotep was one of them.”
A fragment of the video “CLIMATE. THE FUTURE IS NOW ”
It’s interesting that in the programme “Breaking the Laws of Physics”, when a question about the pyramids was asked, you gave the following answer. I’d like to read it out loud… You said that “this apparatus actually provides an understanding of what the pyramids were needed for.” Can we at least give more details about these complexes?
IM: Well… I will reply with a question, to start with, may I? What do you think, did Imhotep build the pyramid for his descendants to organise tourism there and for his country to make money on it? Or for some other reason?
And how many such pyramids were built all over the world? After all, there exist much bigger pyramids, and all of them are built in a certain, let’s say… in a certain sequence, and all of them are oriented towards Mount Kailash. Why does this pyramidal complex exist? Has anyone wondered why? What for? Apparently, for something more than mere tourism, right?
Pyramids are among the most mysterious structures on the planet.
Around the world, on all continents, from America to Europe, from Australia to Africa and Asia, hundreds of pyramidal stone structures have been found: regular pyramids, truncated pyramids, stepped pyramids, and pyramidal mountain complexes.
Multi-ton structures. Unique megalithic masonry. Precise orientation to the cardinal points. Pyramids, the construction of which required a tremendous amount of force, time and resources, as well as knowledge of exact sciences.
The pyramids continue to be found to this day. Some are hidden under the sands, others under the ground, the third ones became overgrown with forests, the fourth are hidden under water.
But there’s one thing which is common about them - these unique grand objects were built in ancient times and represent a single global complex linked to Kailash.
And this raises many questions, the main of which is: for what purpose?
Why were people willing to go to such enormous expense?
It’s clear that it was done for something global and super important that concerns all humankind. But this raises another question: how does it work? However, humanity has yet to answer these questions.
At the end of the previous century, Robert Buvel, as a civil engineer, accidentally discovered that the three pyramids in Giza are the projection of the Belt of the constellation Orion on Earth. Further, in the course of his searches, thanks to the astronomical computer program, he calculated the positions of the stars of Orion for different eras of the precession.
By the way, the Belt of Orion itself consists of three stars: Al-Nitak, Al-Nilam and Mintaka. The three pyramids of Giza correspond to them, where the largest, the Pyramid of Cheops, displays the star Al-Nitak.
Despite the fact that the Egyptian pyramids themselves, as you know, were built 4,500 years ago, they were built at this place and in this location not by accident, and since the buildings were a projection of the star sky, Robert Buvel was able to find the keys to this riddle.
Here is what he writes in his book:
“In 10,450 BC - and only then! The location of the pyramids on Earth accurately reflects the location of the stars in the sky. I mean the perfect, unmistakable match, and this cannot be accidental because this complex reflects two remarkable celestial phenomenas which occurred only that time. First of all Milky way as it was seen in Giza 10450 b.c. reproduced exactly the meridional direction of Nile valley, the second point is that three stars of Orion Belt was on minimal height according to the precession cycle.
So, the Egyptian pyramids reflect the sky of the year 10,450 BC.
What is it? An accident? Or maybe a regularity, a fine-tuned way to designate an era, “freeze” a specific date in architecture.
o clear this question let's see how Orion constellation behave at the spring equinox for whole cycle of precession 26000 years. Orion constellation the same as other visible stars slowly changes its height due to swaying the rotation axis of Earth — precession. Let's see how it happens.
The star Al-Nitak from the Constellation Orion rises and falls every 12 and a half thousand years.
The lowest point is a mark in 10,450 BC, or about 12 and a half thousand years ago.
Now let's go to our time and have a look. Now the star is at its highest point. This cycle is repeated: 12 and a half thousand years up, 12 and a half thousand years down... up, and down...
The extreme points coincide with the times of the Crossroads, time of global change on the planet.
Now let's move 72 degrees to the east of Giza, to the largest of all religious buildings ever created on Earth, the temple complex of Angkor Wat, in Cambodia.
In 1996, a British archaeologist and historian John Grigsby, while exploring Angkor Wat, came to the conclusion that the temple complex is an earth projection of a certain section of the star sky, where the main buildings of Angkor, model the outlines of the constellation Draco, and the exact match falls on the date of the vernal equinox at the year of 10,500 BC. That is, the date immortalized by the Egyptian pyramids in their unique architecture!
Why and what for this date 10,500 BC was frozen in architecture?
To check the assumption regarding the relationship of these constellations and precession, let's do the experiment several times at different dates with a time interval of 12-13 thousand years. Observing the sky on the vernal equinox, we noticed that every 12,500 years, when the constellation Orion occupies the highest position, the constellation Draco at the same time occupies the lowest position. But after the next 12,500 years, the situation changes to the opposite - Orion is down while Draco is up, creating a kind of pendulum, the extreme position of which clearly indicates half the precession cycle. The pendulum in the extreme positions of which global cataclysms occur on the planet, changing the climate throughout the Earth for long periods of time.
As we see from the experience of past generations and past civilizations the cyclicity exists. Many scientists today confirm this. Therefore, knowing the past, we can understand how to act in the present.
I’d like to point the attention to the Bosnian pyramid project and the work of Dr. Sam Osmanagich. This pyramid was not well known for a while because it got trees growing on it, which speaks to the idea that it would have been before the flood. And the last flood in the Younger Dryas and that the silt would have covered the pyramid. And then when the water receded, there was enough soil to there grow trees.
And so when we look at these different strongholds, it’s almost like the knowledge from the ancients that had been destroyed that looks like they’re going back to caveman days. So yes, there’s evidence of disasters and it takes a while to piece this glorious puzzle together.
1. Everything in nature is repeated cyclically both in space and on Earth.
2. The pendulum, as we saw on the chart, periodically takes extreme positions. Its oscillation period is about 12,500 years.
3. The previous time of the extreme position of the pendulum coincides with the time of the Great flood - the time of the Crossroads for the previous civilization - Atlantis.
Now we are again in the extreme position of the pendulum and this means that the time of the Crossroads has already come.
Today as never before we are not simply spectators, but direct participants in events. So everyone of us is responsible for total humanity survival.
As said in report “On the Problems and Consequences of Global Climate Change on Earth. Effective Ways to Solve These Problems”
Large-scale natural disasters, which take place cyclically on the planet, have repeatedly occurred in the history of the Earth and human civilization. But what lessons are taught by this scientific knowledge, which testifies to former global tragedies? Natural disasters have no “frontiers”, these artificially created conventions, which were invented by rulers to divide people and to have power over them. The consequences and disasters that bring worldwide cataclysms extend far beyond “focal” specific state and, in one way or another, apply to all the inhabitants of the Earth.
...People must cast away all the boundaries and conventions; they need to become consolidated here and now. Nature does not look at titles and ranks when it unleashes its millennial anger, and only a manifestation of true brotherhood between people based on human kindness can give humanity a chance for survival...
Ways to solve this problem you will see on ALLATRA TV in video:
limate change. The beginning of a big disaster
Climate. The future is now
The chance on the verge
We invite all who wants to participate in climate projects "Climate control" and "Breaking news climate". Send us a letter to
- Christian01 Jul 2020, 15:40Exceptionally good summary on the Earth's cycle and climate change, thank you, very compact and very well documented! There are so many pieces in this puzzle, archaeology, geology, astronomy, it's all science, and hard facts. And the ancient cultures and civilizations left a lot of traces "explaining" this, all over the world. Finally we have a better understanding of these wonderful monuments. Everybody must be informed about this, it concerns everybody, a lot of attention should be invested into this by our society.Respond