Tropical cyclone Idai became one of the largest cataclysms in the beginning of the year and brought catastrophic destruction and disasters to thousands of people.
AllatRa TV reporters contacted an eyewitness from Mozambique, Ricardo, who shared his experience and the details of what was happening.
«The majority of the people I interviewed those days, they just look and say, “This is everything I have”. The shirt they have, the capulana, that nice textile. They had just small house made with traditional materials, and now they have nothing.
More than one week, and people are struggling without foods, they are struggling without any assistance, medical assistance, they have no water».
- Soil failures in Indonesia and Russian federation. The appearance of craters in Indonesia is the result of some process in the lithosphere. Similar failures in recent years appear very often in all regions of the world.
- A series of 25 tornadoes in the United States took place in the states of Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, Texas and Oklahoma. The central part of the USA was flooded by high water. The flood waters overflowed the Mississippi River that flooded nearby cities. The dams couldn’t stand it and the water rushed to the city streets. The first floors of buildings were flooded, cars were under water.
- In May India’s largest tropical cyclone Fani entered the dry land of India. Hurricane assigned 4 category, with a wind of 240 (two hundred forty) km/h. Heavy rains flooded the city, schools were closed, flights were canceled, the railway communication was interrupted.
- Response of the eyewitness from the United Arab Emirates about unusual weather: rain with hailstones and strong winds in March.
Watch the ways to solve and out of the current situation in the programme on ALLATRA TV:
“Climate. The Future Is Now”
and in the programme “Се грядёт. It is coming”
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- Inna14 Aug 2019, 13:39"...changes in the whole global society depend on actions of every person. For all even people this is really the last remaining chance to spiritually save themselves and the civilization."So, let's act together, while we have the chance.Respond