What is the energy of life? What do people waste life on? What are the functions of consciousness and Personality? What role does the power of attention play in human life? Is it harmful to dream, fantasize, and live in illusions? What are the consequences of magic, of investing the power of attention in matter or in spiritual development? What is the power of Allat, and what is its value for a human being? What is prana energy, and what role does it play in human life? What is the meaning of life, and how important are a person's choice and direction of attention?
Book “AllatRa”
Book “Ezoosmos”
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- t.me/tor12404 Jun 2022, 03:59Sir, id like to address What is a said in first minutes... What person to do when a person is imprisoned, when trapped and can't go outside for example a prisoner. Fantasy to imagine a different reality in your head and say it's bad.... How come yet it's improving a From a person who was highly slandered by parents and relatives, who from the outside to strangers pretend to be the kindest and caring of people... And lack of support group or any friend... Yet isn't imagination or fantasy of sorts , the very foundation of spiritual practices such as lotus, qigong... Based on the knowledge from this program aren't these also magic...? Since at the beginning you can't feel them... I'm really confusedRespondShow responses (1)