Everyone will face this. Does life after death exist? Is there a continuation of a person’s conscious life after death? Who is “I”: body, consciousness, soul, or Personality? Why do people experience inner fear when facing death, and why does consciousness ignore the reality of the fact that “I will die” and self-soothe itself in all possible ways, that “death is sleep, oblivion, and nothing terrible will happen”?
The invisible world: what is clinical death, and how does it differ from real death? How does consciousness work in this state?Why do people often see their deceased relatives, angels, and so on during that state? What awaits a person after real death? How does a person’s choice during his lifetime influence his after-death fate? What is subpersonality, and what kind of states does a person experience in the state of subpersonality? What is “the second death” in religious beliefs?
After-death fate: knowledge preserved over centuries. Reincarnation: what is truth and what is fiction? Questions about the soul: what is the soul, can it be “immature”, and what is “immortality of the soul”? Can a human be reincarnated consciously? Why does a person not remember his past lives? What is the state of Peace? What is spiritual liberation? What is a person’s image and name, and what role do they play in the after-death fate? Does Personality have a proper name? What is anathema? Its origin in history. Can a dead person be anathematized?
Physics of the process: how does the entry of a soul into a body take place? Do time and space play a role? Where is “heaven” as the abode of the Alive, and where is “hell” as the abode of the dead (the place of suffering and punishment in the after-death life according to beliefs in various religions)? What is “food” for the dead? Why in Islam is it forbidden to portray God and the Prophet? Why from time immemorial did some peoples have a ban on “feeding” the dead, while others, on the contrary, had active veneration of the dead, and why is it dangerous for the living? The greatest secret of priests.
Science: facts and studies on the subject of past lives. Experience of recalling past lives by children and adults (studies by Ian Stevenson and Jim Tucker, experiences of Socrates, Cayce, Billy Milligan, and others), religious views of different people. Why are various hypnotic techniques dangerous, and how does the use of them reinforce domination of subpersonality in a person? Mechanism of the physics of this process.
Why does it matter what predominates in a person during his lifetime? Tremendous capabilities of Personality in spiritual development. Why does a person himself bear huge responsibility for his or her spiritual salvation?
Video The Sign
Creative Society. What the Prophets Dreamed of | International online conference | 20.03.2021
- Patrick & Violeta Hess ZahhHess08 Nov 2022, 13:51Question: Since we all begin with souls which are part of source/god, then how is it that these souls become sub-personalities and later even destroyed. How can you destroy a part of source/god? Thank you for all these important information to each one of you participating in everything you do to make it possible for us to learn in our own languages. Thank you Igor Mikhalovich Danilov, Tatiana and everyone single one of you.Respond
- Jannet01 Oct 2021, 05:54totatly agreeRespond
- Ricardo Ayala19 Jun 2021, 22:22traduscan los videos en español por favor graciasRespondShow responses (1)
- JP04 Jun 2021, 19:44Thank you for, this Amazing videos and understandings that become out of them All participants who have been in the work of such important information should be very happy, lots of people are now much better informed, Thank youRespond
- Ricki Lynette23 May 2021, 03:57I hope this truth bites them in there rumpess tumpess. Im glad to hear this i need it and i mean it. Our world is out of control and i am glad that i am hearing it from you. I have felt the true love of God and i know for a fact that i have never given that kind of love to any one and i know God was showing me how i am supposed to love people and how much God loves me. I know for a fact it was no trick from satan or consciousness being they can not give that kind of love or display it to a human. The love i felt on that single day in the broad daylight i cannot describe. It is impossible for me to explain it into words.Respond