Myths of ancient peoples about celestial ancestors-gods, who gave knowledge.
- The Incas considered the “children of the Sun”, who came from the sky
- According to the Incas knowledge, the god Viracocha came to Earth from the stars.
- The book "Popol-Vuh" tells the story of four "celestial ancestors"...
- Navajo Indians say: "They came from heaven, shared their knowledge, and then ascended back to heaven again.”
- The Hopi and Dakota Indians believe that they owe much of their knowledge to aliens from the distant Pleiades.
- Torajan tribes in Indonesia consider the mythical creatures, which came down from the sky, to be their ancestors.
- The Ainu in Japan believe that they were descended from the celestial ancestors.
- Indigenous people of New Zealand and Polynesia speak bluntly about outer space habitation and periodic visits from there.
- The Lakota people talk about celestial beings whose ships looked like glowing balls.
- Messengers from the celestial land Pō Tolo flew to the Dogon.
- Of all the "sons of sky", the greatest footprint in Chinese mythology and literary tradition was left by Huangdi, who appeared in the basin of the Huang He River in the 26th century BC.
- Legends of the New Hebrides islands’ Aborigines claim that earthlings are the descendants of the "sons of heaven".
More detailed information about this and many other researches can be found at a live broadcast on October 13 at ALLATRA TV "Kaleidoscope of facts. Paleocontact".
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Comments (1)
- JP11 Oct 2020, 13:49Will be a great program, shinning light on a subject that has been hidden from us since ever. Why nobody is doing documentaries on our common past, as civilisation, our history way way back from Mesopotamia. What's the great secret about our past. If you don't know your history how can you plan your birthday party. Same is with our Earth, how can we celebrate properly our way of living as Humans. Thank you to all participating in this display for all Humanity...Respond