Reporters of the world are people who take an active part in shaping the worldview in society. Thanks to modern Internet technologies, everyone has the opportunity to transmit a huge amount of information to their surroundings during the day.
The key point is what inner message different information contains and what emotional States it causes in others. Negative experiences cause repressed States and quickly spread to our environment. Therefore, today it is extremely important to create positive content that inspires people to take active actions, gives positive emotions and joy!
Inspiring chain of events from the Czech Republic
An example of such creative news is ALLATRA NEWS, which is broadcast live on the ALLATRA TV channel on a weekly basis. People from different countries collect information about how our world is already changing for the better. The news shows illustrative examples of active actions of volunteers all over the world in order to build a creative society format. They are all United by an inner desire to share unique Knowledge, which is set out in the books of Anastasia Novykh. In turn, this creates a chain of interesting events, meetings, acquaintances and, as a result, ALLATRA International Public Movement in the Czech Republic. Residents of this country actively participate in conferences and teleconferences of international level, carry out various broadcasts within the framework of the "6 handshakes" theory. Such stories inspire and show how much each person can do, how important it is to unite and be inspiring reporters of the world in a creative way.
Portuguese derection
On the ALLATRA channel TV Portugal, there have been several live broadcasts on the topic of Creative society. The first live broadcast took place thanks to the participation of volunteers from Brazil and Argentina, who were able to understand each other and share their vision of building a society of happy people, despite the small difference in language.
Today, thanks to active participants of the movement from Portugal and Brazil, many programs with the participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov have been translated into Portuguese, and the translation of the book "AllatRa" into Portuguese is being proofread.
Report from Zhytomyr (Ukraine) — practical experience
A person attains a harmonious relationship with the world if he is at one with himself. An example of such a life-affirming position was the participants from Zhytomyr, who take an active part in spreading the idea of A creative society in their workplaces. This clearly shows that each of us can be a reporter of the world! It can bring good news to everyone around us!
Sports, creativity, creation! Saint Petersburg (Russia)
Movies, football, Internet TV, creation and society of the future! All this combined training and a mini-tournament in the framework of an All-season football marathon under the patronage Of the Guild of film actors of Russia. ALLATRA IPM participants from Saint Petersburg attended training sessions and games of the football team of the Russian film actors Guild" Premiere "and met the team's players and their friends.
Media's responsibility to humanity
What are the consequences of reporters ' activities for the content that is broadcast to the public? The media bear a huge responsibility to all mankind for the further development of our civilization. Information has a huge impact on the course of events in our world and forms the basic values that people rely on when making a decision in their lives. The more positive information and worthy examples will be broadcast by TV channels, the stronger the desire to change our world for the better will be born in each of us.
Today, good news from all over the world is a necessary informational and creative material for every person. They inspire and delight, make our life happy. The more good and creative news there is, the more peace and light, joy and happiness there will be on Earth! And we all create this news — reporters of the world!