First film “THE CHOICE” of the large-scale International Project “THE UNIVERSAL GRAIN”. The most striking understandings and personal discoveries of people from different countries of the world on the topic of “human choice”, its dominant role in human life which determining one’s future fate.
A unique, one of a kind international social research initiated and carried out by people from over 140 countries. People from around the world of different nationalities, religions, professions are joining this large-scale research. Joint research, translations, international interviews,opinion polls, teleconferences, video commentaries of scientists and specialists from around the world are conducted through international cooperation and mutual understanding.
What is the meaning of human life? What is the basis of all religions and scriptures of the world? What unites all people on Earth?
This large-scale study conducted by the participants of ALLATRA International Public Movement is based on the Keys of Primordial Knowledge.
People from all over the world share their innermost feelings about Spiritual Truth. What is the main choice that each human and all humankind is faced with today?
Not all video footage of this large-scale study on topic “THE CHOICE” was included in this film. The complete interviews will be published on channel, which will include interviews with scientists, social surveys in different countries of the world, as well as video reviews of research participants.
Many thanks to all the volunteers of ALLATRA International Public Movement who, in their spare time take an active part in the large-scale project “THE UNIVERSAL GRAIN”! JOIN US! UNIVERSAL GRAIN- CREATION, FRIENDSHIP, COMMON SPIRITUAL HERITAGE, UNITY IN THE WORLD OF ALL PEOPLE OF GOOD WILL!
International Fundamental Social Research Project "THE UNIVERSAL GRAIN"
00:00 Goals and objectives of the International Social Research Project "THE UNIVERSAL GRAIN".
04:50 International study of the etymology of the word CHOICE in different languages of the world.
11:00 Human’s freedom of choice. What distinguishes human from an animal? Interviews with scientists from different countries.
29:47 International Social Survey. People from all over the world share their understandings and feelings about the fact that God is One and He unites everyone.
44:40 Knowledge of the One God in ancient times.
52:07 Common signs and symbols in the cultures of the world. The meaning of the AllatRa sign in Zoroastrianism, Jainism, Buddhism.
1:01:20 Egyptian mythology about the choice of a person and his post-mortal fate.
1:05:53 International social survey. What is the meaning of human life? What is the basis of all religions and scriptures in the world? What unites all people on Earth? God is Spirit. Does a person need mediators on the way to God? The brightest understandings and personal discoveries of people from different countries on the topic of “human choice”, its dominant role in human life which determining one’s future destiny.
1:34:35 Interviews with scientists from around the world on the topic “CHOICE”.
1:53:40 International study on “CHOICE” in Zoroastrianism
2:05:03 International study on "Choice" in Buddhism
2:11:52 International study on "CHOICE" in Jainism
2:16:24 International study on "CHOICE" in Hinduism
2:24:58 International study on "CHOICE" in Islam
2:36:35 International study on “CHOICE” in Christianity
3:01:04 International social survey. People from around the world share their innermost feelings about Spiritual Truth. What unites all people on Earth?
- Paul Brown31 Dec 2022, 23:32Star Fox/Starwing was not only the very first SNES game we ever got, but it was the first ever video game I ever played. And even though it looks dated now, I still enjoy playing it now and again. And I also play Super Mario World too. What? No Super Star Wars, Super The Empire Strikes Back, Super Return of the Jedi, Mario Paint or The Mask? Not even as honourable mentions? Paul BrownRespond
- Liudmyla03 Nov 2018, 18:43Muchas gracias a toda la gente por el mundo que participó en esta gran obra. Ánimo, porque no todo esta perdido para esta humanidad)))Thank you very much))Respond
- Natalia02 Nov 2018, 23:21Frumoasa emisiune! Daruie inspiratie si speranta ca lumea nu e chiar atat de rea, ca toti oamenii intr-adevar au ceva in comun si acest ceva este Dumnezeu -indiferent cum l-ar numi fiecare din noi. Doamne da-ne puteri sa fim uniti in aceste timpuri de rascruce!Respond
- Tizziana02 Nov 2018, 22:55Sinceramente, grazie per un film così bello. il vostro lavoro è inestimabile. Sono contenta che le persone in diversi continenti abbiano l'opportunità di scoprire la verità.Respond
- Nara02 Nov 2018, 22:48Such an amazing project! Finally! This is something that truly unites people on one spiritual ground and gives the understanding that really all the religions speak about the same thing. All people say about the same thing when they are guided by their inner and deep feelings!Respond
- Evgenia02 Nov 2018, 22:15Real grandiose event! Sea of the positive impressions from video and people! We all are very native for each other! Thank you!Respond
- Stas02 Nov 2018, 21:55Film #universalgrain brings a lot of joy, happiness, a sense of unity and love. People from all over the world share their understanding of all religions and philosophies, thank you))Respond
- Anastasia02 Nov 2018, 19:57Dziękuję serdecznie za tłumaczenie na język angielski? Bardzo radosna nowość :) Praca ludzi nad tym Filmem jest niesamowita!!! Życzę wszystkim miłego oglądania oraz głebokiego rozumieniu sensu!!!Respond
- Antonia02 Nov 2018, 17:05Such a inspiring, giving hope and feeling, that we are one and nothing can divide us. There is so much Love in the world, we just have to choose it. This film is bringing light into the world by people themselves. Thank you so muchRespond