Thousands of people from different countries of the world take part in "THE UNIVERSAL GRAIN" project of ALLATRA International Public Movement. The main goal of the project and activity of its participants is to identify common and universal for all peoples grains of spiritual knowledge, which underlie every culture and religion. The participants of the project analyze information from primary references of literature and scientific works, interview professors, experts, independent researchers, and conduct social surveys in different countries around the world.
Owing to the keys given in the books by Anastasia Novykh and programmes with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov, every person in the "UNIVERSAL GRAIN" project is able to build an understanding of the unity of the primordial value grain, which resides in the religious teachings of the past and the present. This is the universal Knowledge, based on which all good-willed people already today can achieve mutual respect, friendship and integral, sincere mutual understanding regardless of their nationality, beliefs and social context! This is the common ground that unites everyone!
- Ваня28 Mar 2019, 21:10This is an amazing study that shows that in reality people want peace in and around the world, want happiness, love and be loved, rejoice. That it is simple, and it is precisely this that is spoken in all cultures and religions, that one should simply act in these feelings, live every moment with it. Acting for this is Life. Thank you so much for this project, research, film, participation in it - this is a huge gift for each person!Это удивительное исследование, которое показывает, что на самом деле се люди хотят мира внутри и мира вокруг, счастья, любить хотят и быть любимыми, радоваться. Что это просто и об этом именно и говорится во всех культурах и религиях, что надо просто действовать в этих чувствах, жить каждое мгновение этим. Действовать ради этого - это Жизнь. Спасибо вам огромное за этот проект, исследование, фильм, участие в нём - это огромнейший подарок для каждой личности!Respond
- Natalia03 Nov 2018, 00:25Foarte frumos proiect și emisiune! Inspiră foarte adând și oferă înțelegerea că noi oamenii într-adevăr avem ceva în comun și acest ceva este Dumnezeu - indiferent cum l-am numi în limbile și culturile lumii.Respond