In the interview for AllatRa TV, Phoebe from Singapore shared her viewpoint on a Creative Society: what we can do to improve relationships between each other, how promotion of equality between people and accessibility of education can eradicate poverty in the world and what we should consider when we are looking to balance work and recreation.
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FOR CREATIVE SOCIETY! International press conference on ALLATRA platform. June 22, Atlanta, USA
SOCIETY. THE LAST CHANCE, May 11th, 2019. International Conference on ALLATRA IPM platform
R: How do you see the creative society? What does it like when everyone lives in happiness and what is a person in this creative society?
Phoebe: I think that this society that we can live in is going to be so beautiful because when everyone just lives in peace and harmony together. I think it is very important. Because in this world we should not be by ourselves because essentially, what I believe in is that we are humans, and we are all the same and equal. So how we can live together and be very happy interacting with one another, I think this ideal society I want to see in the Future.
R: How do you see for example medicine and education, some more important aspects in life of a person in this creative society?
Phoebe: Medicine and education. I think that education is something that is very important. Because at the root of it, I believe, that when it comes to poverty or different issues that's happening around the world it's caused by ignorance or like it's caused by the things that we don't understand which is how different issues come above. Which is why education is extremely important and should be available and accessible to every single person in the world, and another aspect. For instance for medicine I think that this is a basic need as well. Because if we don't have these basic needs of having access to health care, having access to education it's something that will not allow us to go to the next level of like having a better life, having a better society, and to think about the world at large and how we can make the world a better place.
R: Thank you very much. What do you think for ex about time of work in this creative society?
How many hours should we work? And if we have this free time, to whom a person in creative society dedicates he’s free time?
Phoebe: That's a very interesting question. I think that because right now the world is changing and there are different arguments as to how many hours we should work and everything. Well I believe that we should have a balance between work/life integration. Because at this point in time I believe that work-life balance can sometimes be very difficult because when we are working we might be using things like our Instagram or Facebook. So you're not putting a hundred percent at work right? And that is why maybe like some things you might leave after your work hours and you still have so much work to do. So if you think of it as like a work-life integration, things will become more clear flavor. Because we are balancing both work and life together, yeah. But definitely I believe in productivity and efficiency as well so being able to dedicate like this amount of hours to the work you know makes things a lot more productive, because you know that you are going to be hundred percent focused and therefore in time.
R: What do you think are the relationships between people in creative society?
Phoebe: I think that people need to be empathetic to one another, being able to understand that we all of us we have our own differences like between me and you. We do have our differences as well. But the thing is acknowledging that we are different but it does not divide us because I truly want to understand you and I who you are as a person. So I think that that is something that you connect us together. Because we are living in very different worlds, but when you maybe actually come together we will realize that we are all the same.
R: What do you think what unites all people in the world no matter nationality, religion, social status?
What unites us all internally? What do we have all in common?
Phoebe: I believe that we all want to have happiness. I think this is something that we all want to strive towards. and if you really look at it the different issues that we are facing, say for instance like terrorism and all is because of our own personal beliefs what happiness is. Which is why I like different people. We have different ideas of what happiness is, but essentially we are all here in pursuit of happiness. So I believe that what unites us is our one to be happy and to be satisfied with life and content with life. So there is one thing that will unite all of us together.
R: What is the root of happiness? Where it begins? Does it depend on something? What do you think?
Phoebe: I think that for happiness it is something that... I think that happiness is a basic need. Right? Because we are in this world where there's a lot of suffering, and there's a lot of things that we are not happy about. I think the root of happiness is contentment. Just being satisfied with what you have in life but not affecting your drive to want to be better yeah. I think that happiness is something that.. I think happiness is an attitude, yeah! So I really believe that happiness is a choice. And there's definitely times when you feel that times are really difficult and things are going your way. But having that attitude and knowing that things will be better in the near future and you can reach that the light at the end of the tunnel it's going to be what motivates you to do better or to drive further in life. Which is basically our pursuit of happiness, right? I really think that this is the core of life. And I really think that if we are all able to acknowledge that happiness is something that is, it's so wrong, and knowing that happiness can connect all of us together. It's going to make the world such a better place, right. Because there is like there's like radians and like the Sun and happiness. So yeah I really think that this is something that we should walk towards.