To be happy is really easy. One just needs to make a constant choice in favor of good thoughts and feelings of love and happiness instead of various useless negative thoughts and information supplied by our consciousness, that should be just omitted and ignored. By practicing this simple tip and keeping focus on the main goal of our life, we stay happy and keep moving on the spiritual path.
Excerpt from the video Freedom From Beast's Dictatorship Within Yourself
Just be happy. Just be happy that you are breathing. Even if you are ill, even if you have a hard time and feel bad, look that there is green grass, that there is blue sky. Even if it’s gray, covered with clouds. Well, what’s the difference? Even if it’s raining and there is a storm, look at that rain and storm. Understand one thing, that in a short while you won’t see this. Why? Because life is too short. And what seems a distant future to you, it will happen today, right now. It’s just that years will fly by, and this “now” will come. Well, it’s just like an experiment: you can set a date in your life. It doesn’t matter, will it be an hour or two, a month, a day, a year or ten years. Definitely, this “now” will come. Time passes very quickly. And everything that seemed to be faraway, becomes the past. This is true. The only question is where these years have gone. Into nothingness? Or have you used them for something important, something necessary? Something important, necessary in human understanding, that which the system tells about - it’s to build a house, well, actually, as always, to provide for your everyday life. I won’t say that it’s bad. And you should do this. This… You have to do this. Your body is your car. And you have to keep it clean and healthy. Well, and it’s normal. Consciousness must work, body must work, it must earn and support itself. This is actually a natural process, it’s not even discussed. But it shouldn’t dictate to you as a Personality. And in order to realise that you are a Personality, you start forbidding consciousness to accept bad thoughts and start accepting only good thoughts. So, you say, “I don’t want what is bad, I want what is good. I want to rejoice.” It starts to oppress you, for example, someone bothers you. But you go outside and just look at the gray sky, at the rain or at the sun, and simply be happy. Just put away the thought and rejoice at what you see. It doesn’t really matter, even if you look at, say, torn wallpaper. Be happy that you see it, and that it is there. And this joy - it is little, tiny, and quick passing, because consciousness is trying to erase it. But, if you have experienced it once, you can always increase it once again. And every time, every day, you will increase and intensify your every experience. And finally you’ll realise that you dictate to consciousness. And only those thoughts come which you want, because you reject others. You feel, you start feeling that there is Love. You start feeling that there is joy. And life becomes more beautiful.
Even if you feel pain in your body. You are ill, you have health problems at this moment, but these are the problems with your temporary body. While we are speaking about Eternity.
- Ann21 Oct 2020, 03:42Really like this! Simply be happy an rejoice, no matter what!Respond