Kanu Megha, Assistant Professor at the School of Life Sciences, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Dubai, shares her impressions and insights after watching the conference “Life After Death. Fiction and Facts" held on the platform of ALLATRA IPM on May 22, 2021. The event was streamed to thousands of online platforms worldwide with simultaneous interpretation into more than 50 languages. Kanu Megha stressed that the conference is unique in its kind and grandeur.
Dr. Megha highlighted important issues covered during the broadcast by global scholars, researchers and representatives of different religions:
✔️ Where is consciousness?
✔️ What are primary and secondary consciousness responsible for?
✔️ How are humans different from other living beings?
✔️ How can a person reach Eternity?
✔️ What is a subpersonality?
Summing up her video feedback, Kanu Megha stated that "attention is the most important resource in our lives. And by paying attention towards the most important things in our lives which we are blessed with, we can live a creative and harmonious life."
Indeed, by understanding the value of life given to us, all of humanity can unite to change the vector of the development of society from consumerist to a creative one and to build a safe world in which a Human’s life is above all, and all conditions are created for the spiritual development of every person.