God is one - people have always lived by this truth. And this was very clearly reflected in the ancient times: people transmitted one knowledge from person to person, from spirit to spirit. Often this knowledge was not even written down, there were just myths, legends, stories. The participants of “The Universal Grain” project decided to look deeper into this topic in order to find out how people of ancient times lived by this spiritual knowledge, transmitted it and how this was reflected in culture.
The analysis of the work of research scientists clearly shows that the most diverse nationalities had a concept of the One Almighty God. Every nation has the One Creator, on any continent and on any mainland. For example among the beliefs of people from Africa there are such epithets of God as: chuku (“Great Spirit” - in Yoruba), ngevo (“God, Great Spirit” - in Mende). We all came from the same Creator - therefore God is everywhere, and above all He is inside. Since we all descend from the Source, then the Source is inside us.
“Spirituality has always and definitely been a part of every human culture” - Manuel Güll, anthropologist.
“When a person understands the laws of spiritual development, he will recognize it in any culture” - Yury Botvinkin, Ph.D. historical sciences.
“By developing spiritual feelings, we would have perceived the world around us and the whole Universe in a different way” - Semir Osmanagić, explorer of ancient civilizations.
A large-scale social research project “The Universal Grain” project is a unique opportunity to cognize the Truth, to know the unity of all spiritual grains on the planet, to come into contact with numerous historical artifacts, to find out the opinion of scientists, to reveal oneself in the process of searching. The fact that God is one, was well known in ancient times, people simply lived by this... For more information about this, watch the episode of documentary “The Universal Grain. Part One. Choice”.
THE UNIVERSAL GRAIN International Research Project
The book AllatRa. Anastasia Novykh
Email: info@allatra.tv
- Eric07 Mar 2019, 08:26Great! Thanks a lot to the kindest team in the world that create such a projects.Respond
- Amanda06 Mar 2019, 17:28Great, thanks for this interesting videoRespond
- Natasha05 Mar 2019, 21:54The fundamental social research project "UNIVERSAL GRAIN" is a huge and very important project. Because it helps people understand that we are all one, large and friendly family called humanity. And we have nothing to share. God is One! Everyone calls Him in their own way but, in fact, the essence remains the same. Indeed, there are Seeds of Truth in every world religion, which, if to study them, confirm that there has always been knowledge about the One God. In ancient times people knew about it. Today we consider ourselves to be very advanced, we have a lot of gadgets and means of communication. But by acquiring these material benefits, we have lost spiritual knowledge. This, in turn, set the wrong vector of development of our civilization, gave rise to the consumer format of society. And this does not lead to anything good: people quarrel, oppose each other, fight. Actually, we need to unite and show our best qualities to those around us. I think that ALLATRA International Public Movement is an excellent platform for uniting all people on the planet.Respond
- Daniella05 Mar 2019, 12:39Thank Alatra tv,for helping to return those lost knowledge, because people are looking for that grain all the life.Respond
- Julie05 Mar 2019, 00:08Such an inspiring video! I'm sure everyone will love the Universal Grain project ! Thank you Allatra TV!Respond
- Oksana M05 Mar 2019, 00:05Lots of thanks for this wonderful project 'THE UNIVERSAL GRAIN'!! It's really very important study, knowledge about the One God in all the faiths and religions, denominations... I especially liked the words from one African tribe- something like... if you want to talk to God- talk to the wind! Because God is everywhere!Respond
- Ann04 Mar 2019, 23:16Thank you for such movie! I always believed that God is one and there is no difference which culture or religion you belong to. And it's so valuable that people can see that all are thinking like that and scientists are not exception. Thank you a lot!Respond
- Dmitry04 Mar 2019, 23:14THE UNIVERSAL GRAIN project is very unique because it gives opportunity for every person to do discover and contribute into all-people's research on very important topics of spiritual legacy of the entire humanity. This video is a great illustration of such findings that God is One indeed - this is mentioned and much explained in every religion. And that differences are just in some words (however, even they are very similar or the same in diffeerent parts of the world and various beliefs).Thank you! Shukran! Arigato: ! Gracias! Spasibo :)Respond