Knowledge about the One God. From the video The Universal Grain. The Choice on ALLATRA TV

Knowledge about the One God. From the video The Universal Grain. The Choice on ALLATRA TV God is one - people have always lived by this truth. And this was very clearly reflected in the ancient times: people transmitted one knowledge from person to person, from spirit to spirit. Often this knowledge was not even written down, there were just myths, legends, stories. The participants of “The Universal Grain” project decided to look deeper into this topic in order to find out how people of ancient times lived by this spiritual knowledge, transmitted it and how this was reflected in culture. Knowledge about the One God. From the video The Universal Grain. The Choice on ALLATRA TV Knowledge about the One God. From the video The Universal Grain. The Choice on ALLATRA TV Knowledge about the One God. From the video The Universal Grain. The Choice on ALLATRA TV