On October 10, 2017, solar activity monitoring equipment simultaneously recorded 4 large class X coronal flares, which exceed the size of our planet. So far, the scientists have not commented on this news in any way.
A solar flare is the process of energy release in the atmosphere of the Sun which occurs as a result of an explosion. Photons from such emissions reach our planet in 8.5 minutes, dozens of minutes later, streams of charged particles arrive, and only after a couple of days, clouds of plasma reach the Earth.
Official science classifies solar flares in accordance with the power of X-rays. The following types of flares have been defined:
class C. These are the weakest outbreaks that have no consequences for our planet.
class M. These are medium-power flashes capable of causing short-term deactivation of radio signals. They appear in the atmosphere in the form of polar auroras and weak electromagnetic storms.
class X. These are the strongest flares which cause prolonged radiation storms.
As stated in the report by the scientists of AllatRa Science: "On the problems and consequences of global climate change on Earth. Effective ways to solve these problems":
"Despite significant achievements of modern physics, people still do not understand deeply enough the processes occurring both on Earth and in its interior, both on the Sun and in the cosmic sphere. In order to understand this, fundamentally new approaches and a revision of a number of fundamental theories are needed in this science."
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