Eyewitness shared about uncommonly high temperature in winter this year. There are sharp temperature fluctuations from minus 30 till minus 9 degrees on the next day.
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The truth about challenges awaiting people within the global climate change and, most importantly, the ways out of this situation watch in programmes:
THE CHANCE ON THE VERGE https://allatra.tv/en/video/the-chance-on-the-verge
CLIMATE. THE FUTURE IS NOW It's quite a topical programme due to sharp climate change in the upcoming years https://allatra.tv/en/video/climate-the-future-is-now
Се грядёт. It is coming https://allatra.tv/en/video/it-is-coming
Books by Anastasia Novykh for all, who is eager to know the Truth https://allatra.tv/en/category/knigi-anastasii-novykh