Strange natural phenomena occur around us that are difficult to explain. One of them is the purple sky. Such a phenomenon was observed by people of the United States after the hurricane Michael and before the strong thunderstorm. Residents of China saw the purple sky after a major natural disaster and earlier it was the predecessor of the most powerful earthquake. Inhabitants of London observed bright yellow sky after the hurricane Ophelia.
There is a version that purple sky may serve as a warning of impending weather events.
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Nightmares, panic fear, sleep paralysis, exhaustion, life being sucked out - this is how eyewitnesses describe the aggressive manifestation of those who hide in the shadows.
The stories of different people, from different countries, and of different ages, who repeatedly face the shadows are presented in this programme. Sincere revelations, and personal experience of people who were able to get rid of the aggressive influence of invisible world.
If you have witnessed paranormal unexplained phenomenon or faced with manifestations of the invisible world, email us your stories to the ALLATRA TV at
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Purple sky. The invisible world
Olga, ALLATRA TV correspondent, USA: Hello! This is the “Special Correspondent” on ALLATRA TV.
On October 10, residents of Lake City, Florida, witnessed an unusual phenomenon: the sky turned purple in a short period of time. This event occurred after a Category 4 hurricane Michael, which swept across the state.
On October 13, residents of Ohio State also observed purple sky.
Meteorologists suggest that this phenomenon is caused by a dispersion of sunlight. Purple color is constantly present in the sky, but the human eye is not able to perceive it. But after the hurricane, certain conditions were created that contributed to the maximum manifestation of the purple colour of the sky. It is worth noting that such phenomena are rare, their occurrence is not a natural consequence of hurricane.
In February 2017, the purple sky was observed in Houston, Texas. In this case, the phenomenon lasted for about 2 hours and preceded a strong thunderstorm.
Almost a year ago, on October 13, 2017, a similar phenomenon was recorded by residents of London, United Kingdom. On that day, after the hurricane Ophelia passed, the sky turned bright yellow and the sun blood-red.
Meteorologists associate the unusual color of the sky with the sand brought by hurricane Ophelia from Southern Europe and Africa.
Precisely sand could bring such a strange tint to the sunlight.
Also in July 2012, China suffered a major natural disaster, after which residents observed purple sky. The eyewitness reported that earlier, in 1976, in Tangshan, before the powerful earthquake, the sky also turned purple.
Based on these facts, the version was voiced that purple sky may serve as a warning about impending climatic changes.
Subtle forms of life
Victoria, ALLATRA TV reporter , Kazakhstan: There are many subtle forms of life which are hostile to a human. People call them differently: spirits, demons, evil spirits, shadow beings, succubi, incubi. All of them are hidden in the shadows. A lot of people face these creatures during their lives but often do not even realize it. For example, when one suddenly wakes up at night from a nightmare, all at once you feel someone is watching you or sometimes your by peripheral vision unexpectedly catches a rapid movement of shadows. Are you familiar with this feeling as if someone invisible is present nearby? But at this moment thoughts come: "There is nothing there. It only seemed to you." But is it really so?
Ludmila, ALLATRA IPM participant, Belarus: I`d like to share my experience after watching the programme "The Invisible World". This programme has given me a lot of information and a very big relief as well as understanding of what is going on and what was going on.
I had the following situation in my life. Once my husband and I bought a house in the village. And I began to notice that at some point, through peripheral vision, (not when you look straight but by peripheral vision) I could see shadows, running out of the shed (there`s a brick construction) towards the house. They were either grey or black, these shadows. I didn`t know what it was and I thought those were spirits of people. Then I asked around those people who knew the previous owners of the house. It turned out that the owner was doing magic. I had an intuitive understanding what was going on, it was like a remnant of the previous owners. Not that I was afraid, but it was unpleasant, because there was misunderstanding, why they were running around.
For example, I'm washing the dishes or thinking about something while being in a good mood, then out of the corner of your eye you see that something dark is standing and watching. I feel with my entire being that it is looking at me now and I do not understand why all this is going on. After all, the owners have already left but these shadows are still showing up from time to time in the house, in Minsk. I mean, not only in the village but also staying in the apartment sometimes I can feel that someone is watching from the front of the back. Also there was a situation when I was sitting and thinking about something, and I felt like there was a hit in the back of the head. It felt like someone kicked me with a foot between the shoulders and there was no understanding what was going on.
Dmitriy, ALLATRA IPM participant. Kazakhstan.
Since my childhood I've noticed that there are some creatures which I can not see but I really feel them. I did not understand how, but I clearly knew that they existed. It happened at night. Suddenly consciousness and body woke up and I began to feel as if the energy was being pulled out of the body. It was a real feeling that someone was pulling the energy out, dragging it out. I noticed that the body was like paralyzed. It was scared, some kind of heat passed through it, like goosebumps or something like that, it was kind of paralyzed, and it was lying like a stone. At the same time I was watching that there was something on the right side of the bed (there's a wall on the left of the bed) and it was a very unpleasant feeling.
Marina, ALLATRA IPM participant. USA
From early childhood, when I was 9 or 10 years old, I woke up at night and saw shadows in front of the bed. Sometimes one sometimes two or three. Certainly, this caused great panic and fear. As I was getting older they became more aggressive. I woke up at night. I mean the body was sleeping, it was paralyzed, I saw everything but could not do anything. I wanted to scream, to fight back.I saw them standing and doing something to me. It was a real panic fear, some kind of animal agony. Sometimes it seemed to me that my body was raised above the bed. It was a real feeling of helplessness, to such an extent that I couldn’t even share it with anyone although there were attempts to tell and I talked about it but no one really believed. Most likely, such stories simply scared others and I constantly lived in such fear.
A fragment from the programme: “MODERN SHAMANISM. Games of the visible and the invisible worlds.”
Natania, ALLATRA IPM participant, USA: In my younger years that these dark ones started to show up and sometimes I would see them sometimes I would only sense them, sometimes I would sense them and see them in my mind but if I turned around to look I couldn’t see them but if I looked away I could see them again. I could see exactly what they looked like and I could see in my environment like my pets they were like scared of these things and I didn’t like them either but they would come so that it went on for a long time. Yes I believe so, because even moving didn’t stop it. Nothing stopped it. And as I got older they got more and more aggressive more personal. We don’t really understand all of it. So having one of those beings close is fearful.
Victoria, ALLATRA TV correspondent, Kazakhstan: These creatures are everywhere. They are anywhere in the world, in any city, on the street, in a building, in our houses. They show up not only at night, but also during the day.
Some people believe that they can get rid of these creatures by performing various magical rituals. The real experience of people, who have been negatively affected by shadows, proves, that it is impossible to get rid of the invisible manifestation with the help of external visible actions. Only the power of Love, coming from a person himself, can erase the shadows.
A fragment from the programme: “MODERN SHAMANISM. Games of the visible and the invisible worlds.”
Natania, ALLATRA IPM participant, USA: When I first, the first being started to come somehow I knew inside of me that I was I wasn’t them. I was a light being I had a light I had protection. My light self, and I didn’t use the word God at that time, but my light self could protect me. And I would stand in my lights out and how I knew that I don’t know. I haven’t had one come since that night that I was meditating. And I have worked with AllatRa and Sensei books only since November, end of November, so it hasn’t been that long. As recently as a few weeks after reading the materials of the AllatRa book I had a being come in one night when I was meditating, doing my spiritual practice and I literally saw it crossed between me and the night light and I felt the shadow go across me. But there wasn’t anyone there. So, you know, it’s one of those beings. And I just noticed it and then I went back to doing my practice and that the last time that I saw it.
Lyudmila, ALLATRA IPM participant, Belarus: When I watched the programme “THE INVISIBLE WORLD”, it gave me an understanding and a great relief that everything is OK, and such things happen. It is just something we do not see. And this does not mean that you are a bad or a good person, there is just a world that exists independently of us. I felt better after that, and I actually stopped fearing and noticing them. I live my life, by my inner world, and they live their lives. I realized that I need to work more on myself. When you maintain awareness every day as much as you can, then it works at night, too. There is no difference whether it's day or night. Thank you so much for this information that removes all fears and doubts. This film shows not only the existence of the invisible world, but also a way out of this situation.
Dmitry, ALLATRA IPM participant, Kazakhstan: After that, I began to look for the inner source, the Soul, feelings that produce vivifying water of Life. And it literally took about 10 to 15 seconds, and the feeling of exhaustion disappeared. Everything returned to normal: the body calmed down, goosebumps and brain freeze have gone. This experience really helps to understand that there is much more than we see, and that this world exists. Do not be afraid of it, you just need to understand that this world does exist.
When you reside in Love, you are in protection
Marina, ALLATRA IPM participant, USA: When I read the books by Anastasia Novykh, especially "Ezoosmos", the first thing that I felt was that I would be able to solve this problem, such a push. And when I found like-minded people, I asked: “Guys, can you help me? There is such a problem that I myself can not cope with.” It was so destructive for me. And I was advised every time before I fall asleep, relax and during the day learn to be constantly in a state of Love and happiness, that is, to be in the dynamic "Lotus" practice, which is described in Sensei of Shambala. Book I. It took about a year. I indeed practiced every day and fell asleep in the "Lotus" practice. One night I woke up and saw a shadow coming over me from the bathroom. But this time I did not have any panic and response. The opposite thing happened — all the attention went into the solar plexus, I felt the Soul. I felt myself being enveloped by a warm, large cocoon, and I felt so good and calm. I simply got filled with Love. And I turned my back on that shadow and fell asleep (that never happened before). And from that moment on, I never saw them again.
Also there is an interesting moment regarding the fear of the dark, which went away before the last incident with the shadow. This fear went away exactly 4 weeks later after I had read the books. It has been exactly 4 weeks since I started spiritual practices. I remember the day when I was walking calmly in the dark, not turning on the light in the kitchen (we have a big house, and I have got quite a long way to walk). And suddenly I realize that I'm walking in the dark, and I don't have any uneasiness about it. I am walking in comfortable state, I feel good, calm, and I am free, and there is no oppressive alertness. That is, such a new understanding. Everything happened naturally. And you realize that the invisible world exists. And if you have no Knowledge, then you are absolutely not protected. But when you reside in Love, you are in protection, then you are constantly protected, and nothing can bother you.