What kind of society do we want to live in? What is the difference between a creative society and a consumer society? What can each of us do to bring about the Creative Society we dream of as soon as possible?
These questions, and others, are answered by people around the world.
Millions of people are joining the Creative Society Project. After all, everyone wants to live in a fair and safe world, where human life is of the highest value.
What world we will live in tomorrow depends on each of us. Only together can we build a society worthy of a Man.
Join the International Online Conference "Creative Society. What the Prophets Dreamed Of," which will unite people from around the world on March 20, 2021, at 15.00 GMT on the platform allatraunites.com, with a live broadcast and simultaneous translation into more than 35 languages.
The live broadcast of the conference "The Creative Society. What the Prophets Dreamed Of"
Join the Creative Society Project
Email: info@allatra.tv