Heather Kessinger, an American filmmaker, director of an exceptional documentary called "Nasima" (The Most Fearless) talked with us about her vision of the Creative Society. How can cinematography help with a step towards such a society? How important is the example of an individual?
“First I would wish for peace and then I would wish for people to be able to in any circumstance pursue their own happiness. Always. And that would include people not being hungry and having a place to live. In my understanding art is that thing that can transcend borders.”
Despite the difficult conditions in which all of humanity now finds itself, we still have time to unite and build the Creative Society, which is the only way to survive the impending climate and environmental disaster.
To learn more and join the public initiative of building a creative society, you can visit the website https://allatraunites.com/, select the language and click the "Join" button.
Online conference "Global Crisis. This Already Affects Everyone"
with a choice of 72 languages on the official website of the Creative Society Project: https://allatraunites.com/en
Email: [email protected]