The global international activities of ALLATRA International Public Movement create an invaluable contribution to the formation of spirituality, morality and humanity all over the world.
Participants of the movement are people from different countries and continents, people of different faiths and nationalities, who are united by common desire to create such conditions in society, which would help people to cognize the world and themselves, facilitate to self-improvement and accomplishment of the main goal of each person's life - multiplying inner spiritual riches.
In 2018 by the good tradition, again the week starting on February 25th united people from all over the world for the implementation of joint good initiatives, social projects, experience exchange and sincere friendly communication in Kiev city, Ukraine.
Watch more about all meetings and events in the new “Good News” episode.
Also in the video:
Open Experiment "Pyramid" is conducted in medical centers all over the world.
Video "Breaking the laws of physics. Open experiment "Pyramid". On the Possibility of the Impossible".
Volunteers from all over the globe are making voice-overs in different languages of the programme "Се грядет. It is coming"
Participants of the ALLATRA IPM from Belarus created "Flickers of Good".
Member of the ALLATRA IPM from the Angarsk city has placed a fragment of the programme "Consciousness and Personality. From the inevitably dead to the eternally Alive." on the big screen in the city center.
Also the participants share their experience of working on themselves, exposing the lie of consciousness which divides those people, who are willing to take part in the projects and those who are already involved and are happy to help and make friends.
Consciousness separates, ALLATRA UNITES!
The programme
- Rodrigo26 Sep 2019, 05:00Im spanish plis.Creo que es muy buena información pero no entiendo lo que dicen. Saludos.Respond