Climate disasters are raging all over the world, and every day we see how our common enemy, the climate, is taking more and more territories, homes and the most valuable thing — people's lives.
In our time, it is really necessary to consolidate the whole of humanity, in order to, by coming together in unity, survive climate disasters. It is essential to unite all scientific and technical potential because then we will be able to survive and save everyone's life.
Thanks to the videos with the participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov, we’ve learned about the true cause of climate change and that the only way out for humanity in the conditions of the climate crisis is to build the Creative Society.
This has brought together millions of people from different parts of the world and encouraged them to implement climate projects: international conferences, round tables, interviews with scientists in various fields of science are organized, analytical programs are created, climate news is weekly covered in a live broadcast.
The importance and value of climate projects on the platform of the Creative Society project are that we share knowledge and truthful information about what is happening on the planet by combining our efforts.
We invite everyone to the international meeting of the participants of climate projects within the framework of Solidarity Week 2022!
At this meeting, we will listen to people who are not indifferent to what is happening in our world. They will tell us what inspires them to participate in climate projects, why it is so important to act every day. They will share their personal experience and understanding of the necessity to unite all people and build the Creative Society.
We invite everyone to join the international team of climate projects on the platform of the Creative Society project. Your participation is very important because it will help every person on Earth to find out the truth!