Sincere inner understandings of Nicole, the participant of ALLATRA IPM, about how she overcame the situations and started gaining real Life.
In this Vlog Nicole shares about key moments in her life when she faced a choice. Importance of making this choice as a Personality despite what consciousness told her. How this decision released her from frames and borders, in which consciousness stuck her, and how she felt freedom after that. Nicole understood that she is not alone.
"Freedom from Beast's Dictatorship within Yourself" video
"CONSCIOUSNESS AND PERSONALITY. From the inevitably dead to the eternally Alive" (English Subtitles)
Hello again, Dear friends!
Today, I would like to share with you my sincere inner understandings and tell you a little about my way, and situations I had to overcome to slowly start gaining real life. For instance, I do remember my deep awareness of the fact that I really started to make a choice as Personality, well, entirely my own choice, meaning, my independent choice of how I want to live truly. I do remember, there were key moments in my life, when there was something like, well, you feel that this point just changes your destiny completely. And here you face a choice, you as if hear a voice in your head, “Do not do this. Just don’t do. Well, now it is the worst version of what can happen if you do this.” And it says this out loud and you hear this. And you just do the opposite. And there were several such points. I remember one of the key points was when, I don’t know how, for some reason, I just wanted to write to the Coordination Centre, just to write, I just wanted to start talking to like-minded people, well, I was really interested in performing spiritual practices, I had no one to talk to about this, I had no one to share my understanding with.
I remember that time when I just decided to write to the Coordination Centre and my consciousness told me, well, it’s not an option at all, in principle, you shouldn't write now because you have work, you are totally busy, well, even if you, well, as if, and you actually live in Spain, on the other side of the world, guys are in Ukraine, in Russia, well, I mean, as if it won't work, it's not an option at all. And I did write. And then, that very evening, when Anechka Dubrovskaya answered me, she wrote me right away and offered to make a Skype call and talk, and then my consciousness said me no, talking on Skype wasn’t an option at all, because, well, "You are at work now, you have a lot of clients, a lot of things to do, now there’s actually no time at all, now is the rush hour, there are a lot of clients, no way you can do this. And then I remember my decision, I just hear how it yells in my head, and I just take the phone and press the Skype call. And I really felt freedom from this action, well, I mean, whenever I act like this, I feel like I'm running counter to consciousness and I am getting closer to that border, to the border of those frames into which consciousness stuck me. It’s like, well, it's like that goat which Igor Mikhailovich talks about in the programme. Meaning, that very goat which is tied to the stall and the system does not want to release it because it is in its place and this is comfortable for the system, well, I mean, it takes, it indeed bears its fruit, and the system is calm. So. The most crucial point was, surely, the point when I already phoned Anechka, and it turns out that there were a lot of participants in Spain. I started communicating with people and this led me to the point that I had precisely an inner sincere desire to act.
I realized that I’m not alone, that there are many of us and that it’s this inner thirst that I described, yes, that it’s this inner aspiration that drove me, well, drove me to write, drove me to communication. And when I realized that there are many of us, that by combining our efforts, we are really true power, we can do a lot, then there appeared a strong desire to act and act literally the way everyone can, and we, well, we decided to translate books, to start organizing... well, we took part in organizing conferences and then slowly a completely different scenario began to be implemented, completely unwritten, completely unpredictable, such events began to appear, such acquaintances began to appear that I would, well, I would have never thought that this could be, could occur. Because before that, what I saw was quite boring, well, basically, just like everyone – a family, I mean, domestic life, and you see some behavior patterns and think, as if, well, that’s all and for the sake of that I am living here, while here it really starts, well, I mean, each of your actions that you do counter to your consciousness begins to open up your real life, and you begin to move as a free Personality, and you begin to truly live. And this, this is simply inexpressible, it is very interesting, and also you, and the most important thing is that you feel your inner growth and inner growth and your inner growth happens precisely at the time when you act. Every time you perform some action that benefits not you, but others, and you do it for free, it fills you so much, you feel like you are filling inside, you feel that your spiritual practices are getting deeper and more interesting.
You really start gaining the meaning of life and it becomes really interesting for you to live, not the way like “Groundhog Day”, work — sleep, work — sleep, yes. But real, well, I mean, such real filling and such real flow of energy. You feel inside that life is in full swing, that you’re so alive, you’re constantly in some action, you’re constantly coming up with some new ideas, new projects and this is simply unbelievable. And what actually needs to be done? You just need to start acting in fact, it's really simple. Just now you decide what you can do at this moment. We all have a great and wonderful opportunity now. For instance, Anechka Dubrovskaya proposed in the recent video to shake the matrix. To share our insights, to record a video - this is already an action, what’s the most interesting is that sometimes we don’t even realize that our small action can cause huge global changes. Just have a look, a new incredible platform opens up for us, where we can share our understanding with one other. For example, I watched Anna’s vlog, it incredibly inspired me and now I share my understanding of how much it inspired me with you and maybe this chain will go further and this would be, well, just, you see, we can become one even at a distance, one in our understanding, in our stream of action, in our love, which we convey to each other.
You do realize that now we are just like those little lights, that each of us is in a different corner of the Earth lights up and together we begin to shine even brighter and it's just, it’s just an incredible awareness of the fact that we are now living in such conditions, that despite the distance, regardless of where each of us is located, we can share with each other, we can feel each other, we can understand that we are all one, that we are a single whole and this single whole can do a lot together and this decrepit matrix, as Anechka Dubrovskaya said, just cannot resist our bright flow of love. Therefore, guys, let's start acting together because it’s really simple and it’s very beautiful, it's fun and it really fills you with the life that gives you true meaning of your residing here. Therefore, I am waiting for your videos.
- Irwin Lara Monreal01 Nov 2021, 16:47Hola Nicole saludos te deseo un exelente dia. Me encanta tus enseñanzas abria alguna forma de seguirte en redes sociales ya no estoy registrado en esta pagina para continuar disfrutando de tus vlogsRespond