The WORLD is Rapidly CHANGING. WHAT is NEXT? Climate Abnormalities, REFUGEES. Peru, Korea, Israel

The WORLD is Rapidly CHANGING. WHAT is NEXT? Climate Abnormalities, REFUGEES. Peru, Korea, Israel Cataclysms are inevitable: they have already begun and are increasing every day.  The fires in South Korea left more than a thousand people homeless.  Unusual cooling, storms and hail in the Near East are powerful evidence of global climate change.  Anomalous April snowfall in Canada has united the locals.  An interview with a powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake eyewitness in Peru. What is the reason for such rapid climate change, and how can we help each other in times of climatic cataclysms? The WORLD is Rapidly CHANGING. WHAT is NEXT? Climate Abnormalities, REFUGEES. Peru, Korea, Israel The WORLD is Rapidly CHANGING. WHAT is NEXT? Climate Abnormalities, REFUGEES. Peru, Korea, Israel The WORLD is Rapidly CHANGING. WHAT is NEXT? Climate Abnormalities, REFUGEES. Peru, Korea, Israel