What future do all humans aspire to? What society do people want to live in? People take part in numerous revolutions, wars and revolts. What moves them and why do they end up building practically the same systems? Can this be changed?
In fact, this can easily be changed! If we want to live well, we should make a Human the focus of society. And this is the essence of the Creative Society. If YOU make a choice to live in TRUE freedom and happiness, 10 years will be enough to build the Creative Society!
Excerpt from the video Creative Society
Igor Mikhailovich: But we can change lives, and we can make the world a better place. Isn't that right? Let's go back to the video "The Truth and Chaff" because we have revealed the basic laws there: the formation of an image, our attention, the power of our attention, and its investment - where we invest it is what we implement. Yes, we are now divided. Well, this is how the system works, that we should all live, as they say, by our ideas, by our images, and without unity. That’s why, as you have noticed, we have already lived like animals for 6,000 years from the time of the Sumerians to the present day. But we can change everything, and we can even build an ideal society, not to mention the creative one. Is that right? Let's just talk about this. Well, it’s more useful.
Tatiana: Okay, Igor Mikhailovich. Frankly speaking, I was actually preparing for the programme in a historical context, about how it was, and how people lived back then, therefore... But, what you are saying is really correct. I now understand that the vector of our conversation is already changing in a slightly different direction, towards the future, because I agree with you (Igor Mikhailovich: What is more valuable?), that indeed, there's no use in this past (Igor Mikhailovich: No use at all).
Igor Mikhailovich: The past is already gone, and now we will be talking about something that doesn't exist. Or are we going to talk about what might be? It depends on us whether it will happen or not. What is better?
Tatiana: Okay. Well, then I have the 8 Foundations of the Creative Society.
Igor Mikhailovich: There you go.
Tatiana: Igor Mikhailovich, before we proceed to the 8 Foundations, I would like to find out the following: What is actually the Creative Society? How do you envision it? I mean, who is this society focused on?
Igor Mikhailovich: On a person. The Creative Society, in my opinion... Of course, there are as many opinions as there are people, but again, the Creative Society is simple, it's very comfortable and convenient for a person. Why? Because it is focused on a person's benefits and freedoms. And that's the entire meaning of the Creative Society... There are no lies there, no deception, and most importantly, there is no power, because a person has all the power. There's no superstructure over him - that's the point. Just look at the number of wars, revolutions, all kinds of human revolts that we have. Right? And we always look for what? Why do we take sides against each other?
Tatiana: In search of happiness, in search of an ideal society and freedom.
Igor Mikhailovich: Freedom and everything else. Yet, what are we building? The same. They say: you can't kill the dragon (Tatiana: By the same methods). When you defeat the dragon, you become the dragon yourself. Why? A simple question. Because the consumerist format itself dictates this scenario. Right? For example, people make a revolution, they strive for the best and a nation rises. The same tyrants come to power who again manipulate us in just the same way, and we get nothing. Why? Because that's the law of the consumerist order. It will remain exactly as it was set up to be, because we remain divided, we have our own interests, and most importantly — we live by the law of beasts. Right? I mean, we treat each other just like beasts. Although we have laws set out, the UN and other organizations create them, and they declare how we should live but all these declarations do not work. Why? Because the consumerist format dominates, in other words, the inhumane format of a relationship of one person towards another.
Can this be changed? Easily, my friends. It all depends on us. And again what do we return to? To the integrity of our attention, where all of us together invest it. If we want to live well, if we want to live worthy of a human being, then we should invest our attention precisely in this, that is, our time and our efforts in building the future for ourselves and, let's say, for our children and descendants. If we approach this from the perspective of the present day, then it is actually very easy to build the Creative Society. I’ll put it this way: if we really want this, and everyone who has understood the entire meaning and essence of the Creative Society that we are going to talk about now, then it’s realistic to build it within ten years. Ten years (Tatiana: Great) — and we will live in this Creative Society. But again, it depends on people, on their desires and aspirations.