This episode of the "Psychology. Discovering the Truth" project addresses the issue of another person’s right to choose. It is not about whether a person has this right, but about how to accept this very choice ecologically, without resorting to power over the other.
Every day and work situations vividly demonstrate the real basis for building human relationships. No matter how beautifully one expresses oneself, actions are always more eloquent. And by our actions, it becomes obvious what each of us prioritizes in relationships: mutual respect or power!
Watch in this episode:
- What is the right to choose and how is it expressed?
- The right to choose in its primordial meaning
- What is behind the care
- A true example of unconditional acceptance of any choice
There are still enough gaps in psychology, which does not favor effective solutions of people’s requests.
Therefore, friends, let’s figure out the current issues and discover the Truth together!
Send your questions and suggestions to our email or write them in the comments below this video.
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