The release of the programme "About Spiritual Grace" with the participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov generated a deep response from viewers across the world. This is another gift of Love from the Spiritual World.
People from all over the world feeling the powerful spiritual message that comes from this programme, inspired by watching it and by new discoveries in themselves, send their video reviews at ALLATRA TV e-mail: [email protected]
Tatyana, Svetlana, Katerina, Maria and Polina from Kiev: “This programme is a great help from the Spiritual World. The feeling of grace, AllatRa is there in any religion.
All people feel this. You can reach the spiritual grace through your choice and intention to Live and to come to God with a sincere desire.
I always want to feel during the day what I was feeling during the programme. To increase this Love and to take a decisive step.
The most wonderful that is there in this world is God.”
Tatyana: Hello friends. We want to share with you our perception through feelings after watching the programme"About Spiritual Grace". There was a feeling, a very strong feeling, as if I became one with the host, with Igor Mikhailovich. It was like, you know, I got into one field with them. And it was great. I felt this Love, I felt this Grace. This Grace has stayed even while watching the programme for the second and for the third time.
Svetlana: I also noticed that it was like I had been involved into the screen…It seemed to me that I didn’t hear anything. There was a feeling that I don't hear anything. But later, when I was remembering, all the information got structured. And also I wanted to note, there was a feeling of warmth. This warmth was so strong and so filled with feelings that the consciousness was felt like a radio. Indeed, as it's said: "It is a radio." It had been left aside. And it is talking, and I am being silent, I am just feeling.
Maria: I think everyone felt this powerful Spiritual message that comes from this programme. And it comes not only from Igor Mikhailovich and from Tatyana. And how much Tatiana is perceived as an Alive person. That is her inner beauty is really so great, this sincerity, openness that comes from her, this Light. That you really understand what does it mean to be Alive. And you want to Live, to Live as well.
Katherina: I had a very similar feeling. Such a feeling of enveloping Love, enveloping happiness. And you watch, you listen, and somehow there are no words, there is a feeling. And you are in it. The most wonderful thing about this world is God. And thank you very much for giving us a Chance to feel this.
Polina: I also had a feeling that I am back Home. That these people are the closest and they are waiting for me. And that the Spiritual world is open. And it is waiting not only for me, but for everyone. And part of this family… I just need to open even more. A feeling of Home. Well, it's completely different from what sounds in my head.
Katherina: There is a clear feeling that someone kind of embraces you and holds you in this feeling of warmth. That's great.
Maria: Just such a help. Indeed, this programme is a great help from the Spiritual World, in order for this feeling that comes to us, just to feel it, remember and keep. Keep it, don’t let it go and only multiply. Increase Love to God. In the programme a great understanding for me was to make this step. Just like in life - to make this last decisive step. The Personality really needs to decide clearly whom to serve: God or devil, consciousness. And a firm intention to this every day.
Tatyana: I want to get on with your point that when you feel this during the programme, you want to feel this all the time during the day. That regardless of any external circumstances, regardless of who and what tells you, or for example, regardless of some attacks from the system. But I know that I will live in that feeling during the day. And it is very brightly felt in the programme that: “Look, how differently it can be. Look, you can live very differently. You can Live, you can Live with Love. ”
Katherina: You can Live ...
Polina: I realized that always, every second in my life, I choose here and now. And.. it is visible, and it is felt, what a message, whom to serve - God or devil. And that this choice, it’s not like now I live, and then one day I will come and stand near some kind of gates and now I choose God. No. I choose already now!
Katherina: When you are in such a feeling, the moment of choice is more visible, I can really see that now I can choose some kind of an anger or I can choose Love. And the more inner Love is there, the wider the point of choice is. Somehow there is more time to choose : “No, what a quarrel? No! “I want Love!” You are more conscious, you see that you don't need this. I want Home, to God.
Svetlana: Thanks to this programme I was reminded how important it is to be honest with oneself.
Maria: There is a moment in the programme when Igor Mikhailovich talks about the fact that now many priests, let's say, have secretly accepted AllatRa for themselves. When they are asked: “Why are you hiding?” They say: “It's the custom. Who has made this a custom? - People". That is indeed everything is in our hands. That is, we ourselves set these standards, make something a custom. And once again I make sure that no one should be afraid to talk about what he or she believes in, about true Knowledge. And the more people talk about this, the more it will become the norm.
Katherina: Consciousness is afraid, and it doesn’t want to. But it is just consciousness! This is its tiny fears that someone will condemn it. Why should I care about this. And when I took a seat and wrote it down: “Well, what's the problem? I'm afraid. So be afraid!” But I am AllatRa! And it doesn't matter!
Maria: Consciousness simply intimidates people from telling anyone about this. Actually, it can’t even give any objective reason why not to tell? Just don’t tell. What is wrong with sharing what makes us feel Love, joy, Life and what can give this happiness to other people. And of course, it is a person's choice whether to accept it or not.
Tatyana: The thought came during the programme that I don’t want to feel fear or anxiety or worry anymore. At this moment I choose to feel only Love and to be in Love, to be in Grace.
Maria: Yes, this exactly was said, that people make а choice by themselves: “What do we create - The world of Love or the world of suffering?” And then I also understood better that if for example, you feel some kind of a light sorrow or sadness, it is not from the Spiritual world. Because staying with God it’s always Joy, it is always Happiness.
I would like to say, as the programme is called “About Spiritual Grace”. And there is a reason for such a title, because really the feeling that comes from the beginning to the end of the programme, and that lasts a long time after, this is the very Spiritual Grace that you want to always keep feeling in yourself and multiply. Earlier, of course, I didn't understand what it was . And these states of grace, they were present, they came to me.
Maybe during work, during some other activities, some situations… And you perceived it as some kind of a gift from above, but you didn’t understand what it actually was, and didn’t even think that it turns out, you can always be in such a state. And this is something to strive for.
Katherina: I wanted to add that this feeling, it has always been. It was there since childhood, but I didn’t know that this feeling should be sustained. That I can put attention into it and this kind of multiplies it. And this is happiness. This is the greatest happiness that a person can have. Thank you…
Svetlana: Yes. It feels like you want to hug the whole world. You want to tell everyone how much you love them. And not just in words ... Just to say ... And it really has been since childhood. From time to time. It was just perceived somehow: it came suddenly and also disappeared suddenly ... Indeed, this feeling - it can always be. But you have to work on yourself, of course. Because it is given ... It is earned. And earned by honesty, sincerity.
Maria: And as Igor Mikhailovich said, the door to God's World is always open. You just need to walk through it. Not to be lazy.
Tatyana: Every time to choose the Spiritual World.
Polina: This feeling is what all people feel. No matter what denomination they belong to, what color their skin is. Because people, they all have a Soul, a Personality. They all seek Home, and they all feel. I don’t even know how to describe this ... But here comes an understanding that it’s possible to communicate with people, even without speaking. Because still, people will feel. Knowledge - it unites people. And no matter they are Muslims, Christians. In all religions there is this AllatRa - the feeling of Grace. Everyone can just call it differently in their religion.
Tatyana: To come to this Spiritual Grace is possible only through your choice and through the intention to Live. To Live in Love. Come to God with a sincere desire.
Polina: The word "Grace": to give Good, not to take Good. And Grace is to share. And when you share - it multiplies.And this is shown in the programmes. All programmes, they ... Nobody hides anything. Here it is – just take. The Spiritual World, as it's been already said, it is absolutely generous.” It…
Katherina: ... It is open.
Polina: It’s open, and it always shares, because it's completely different from the world of the system that wants only to take. So when the Grace is inside, that AllatRa, then I feel that I want to give. To give to the Soul, to God. And you understand that when you are a conductor of the Spiritual world, the Spiritual creates through you. And how everything is fair in this world, we become what we choose. And for me, all programmes with the participation of Igor Mikhailovich are a great lesson of Love.
I just can’t call it differently. Whatever the topic of the programme is, still there is this inner message of Love. And the words “Grace,” “To give thanks” - they all talk about giving, sharing, loving, opening. Open in oneself ...
Maria: Even the word itself already contains a tool, how to use it.
Tatyana: Grace spreads by itself. You just feel and that's it and Grace is already spreading.
Polina: Because this Grace, it’s not mine. As it's said: "God's Grace." It comes from God, it is God's Grace. It doesn't belong to me. It comes from the Source. And even in the "AllatRa" book and in the programme "About Spiritual Grace" it is said, when Tatyana gives thanks: "Thank You very much ..."And when Igor Mikhailovich, it's also such a living example, that: “Thank God- only this way!” Because all this is His, His Grace, His AllatRa, His Love. And all that good in me is the manifestation of the Spiritual in me.
Thank you God that now we have this opportunity to watch the programmes, to learn to Live. A gift of Love.