Many people ask themselves questions: what does it mean to be happy and where to look for happiness? Simple answers to such vital questions of each person can be found in the fragment of the video "What is Happiness?" with the participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov on ALLATRA TV.
Everyone has been in a state of real happiness at least once. For some, it was seconds, minutes, and hours, but it is these moments when we get the experience of contact with the Spiritual world that encourages us to constantly search for this state of true happiness.
If you ask the question:" what does it mean to be happy?", many people will confidently say that this is a life without conflicts. What happens in our lives? Conflicts, like annoying flies, haunt us at every step. Constant conflicts in the family: the husband does not appreciate his wife or the wife does not respect her husband, consumer relationships, quarrels, jealousy, distrust, and so on. Constant conflicts and misunderstandings between parents and children. Parents are constantly trying to teach their children how to live properly, showing immense control, power and manipulation, in other words, they behave like tyrants in the family, putting on the masks of the smart, all-knowing, all-experienced. Parents forget that children are free Individuals who have the right to choose their own lives.
We have no less conflicts at work. To be honest, we constantly consider ourselves undervalued by our Manager, and the attitude towards the Manager is that he is doing everything wrong.
We encounter the same conflict situations in our relationships with our friends and acquaintances. All these conflicts lead to the fact that we stop communicating. Children don't call their parents for months, sometimes years. We often change jobs and can't find our place in the sun.
What is the root cause of all our conflicts? The answer to this question is a very simple consumer format of society. All our relationships are based on one thing only: everyone owes me, that is, manipulation and a thirst for dominance. As Igor Mikhailovich said: "And in this way, we generate a stable understanding that happiness is impossible. "Happiness is the absence of conflicts, happiness is the absence of problems, happiness is the absence of health problems as well. This is when we are provided for when we have everything, we do not need to do anything, we are healthy, we are young, we are happy not in illusion, but in reality," says consciousness. But in reality, everything is an illusion. No matter what we have achieved in this life, no matter what bar we set, when we come to it, we understand that this is not happiness, it is an illusion. We achieved some results in our lives, and spent years on it, but happiness did not come.
And here is the answer to why we all want happiness, each individually, but we do not believe that it is possible not only in the community as a whole, but also for each of us. Because there is no understanding of what happiness is and what true freedom is. And happiness is impossible without freedom. When a person has freedom, when he has confidence in the future, well, then he is already calmer. And if there is no confidence in the future, then the person will not feel happy in any case, because he is not sure. And in this world, a person can not, no matter what he has and no matter what position he has in society, he still can not be sure of the future. Well, or again, being mistaken, he can be sure that everything will be fine in life. But this life ends, and the person understands that sooner or later it will end. And this again excludes the concept of happiness."
The truth always exists in the world, and there are people who have become free themselves and are ready to share it, but they are not heard
- JP08 Nov 2020, 12:52Love is what everyone wants for their lifes and the lifes of the others Humanity, Freedom and Happiness... AllatRa's Universal Grain project is the best example of this Quest ... AllatRa United Family...Forever ! ! !Respond
- Sergii08 Nov 2020, 10:35Indeed! We are all in a constant rush at work or at home, but the only thing that we are all in a pursuit of is, in reality, Happiness. Thank you so much ALLATRA TV for such an inspiring and easy truth!Respond