INSIGHTS WITHOUT MASKS with Alyona from Borispol. About making plans. Consciousness’ deception. LIFE VLOG

INSIGHTS WITHOUT MASKS with Alyona from Borispol. About making plans. Consciousness’ deception. LIFE VLOG Consciousness constantly tries to divert the Personality from its spiritual development by making plans. Consciousness actively imposes various thoughts and event scenarios. And these thoughts evoke a bunch of different emotional states in a person. It can be some kind of anxious anticipation, joy, grief or fear. But in any case, consciousness simply “eats” our life energy in such a manner by means of a person’s attention, which he puts into illusory images in his head. The programme: "Consciousness and Personality. From the inevitably dead to the eternally Alive" gives an opportunity to understand what real life is, and why it’s so important to give up making plans and learn to live "here and now".  INSIGHTS WITHOUT MASKS with Alyona from Borispol. About making plans. Consciousness’ deception. LIFE VLOG INSIGHTS WITHOUT MASKS with Alyona from Borispol. About making plans. Consciousness’ deception. LIFE VLOG INSIGHTS WITHOUT MASKS with Alyona from Borispol. About making plans. Consciousness’ deception. LIFE VLOG