
Allatrushka is a unique animation project created thanks to the joint creative effort of participants of ALLATRA International Public Movement from different countries. Allatrushka explains in a clear, simple and humorous way the basic spiritual and moral values of the creative society (for example, what is kindness, self-cognition, friendship, mutual help, unity) as well as main foundations of ALLATRA SCIENCE (from "AllatRa" book, from the report "PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS," from the report "On the Problems and Consequences of Global Climate Change on Earth. Effective Ways to Solve These Problems")

Bodhisattva is great spiritual being who is coming to Earth to help all mankind (for instance Jesus Christ and Agapit Pechersky are Bodhisattvas). This word is derived from the ancient language of Sanskrit and is composed of two words - "Bodhi" and "sattva". "Bodhi" mea...

Hello everyone. My name is Allatrushka. I am a being from different dimension and I am observing what is happening on your beautiful planet Earth. Because I am from higher dimension I can help you with understanding of different process taking place on your planet at th...