
Mass attacks in the public area including schools are a rising concern in many countries.

They can be persuasive, they master the art of words, and their reputation precedes them by miles. They easily win public support and have an incredible determination to achieve their goals. Who are these media-popular experts whose persuasive opinions we hear so often?...

After the end of World War II, the world made a decision that the horrors of Nazism would never happen again.

Today, while the climate has not yet reached its destructive phase, we live in a state of constant energy shortage and are forced to pay for it. Essentially, we are paying for the mere ability to exist. The tools of this economic stranglehold are hydrocarbons, nuclear p...

Today, an increasing number of people worldwide are facing violations of their fundamental rights and freedoms. In some countries, individuals can no longer freely express their opinions or live according to their beliefs. They are subjected to undeserved public defamat...

The Jewish people, who endured centuries of persecution culminating in the Holocaust, understand better than anyone the dangers of hatred and division. The promise of "Never again!" made by Holocaust survivors is a call to all humanity, yet today, we are witnessing new...

Teleportation is the instantaneous movement through space. It has been a dream for both science fiction writers and scientists. Is teleportation possible? This question has intrigued many people, and now it’s even being discussed at the government level.

Anti-cult movements operate in our country quite inconspicuously, but the impact of their actions leaves enormous devastation throughout our society.

The information you hear on September 13, 2024, may seem irrelevant to you, but unfortunately, you will inevitably come back to it in the near future.

The Nazi method of marking Jews with yellow stars is now appearing in a new form. Labels such as 'sect' or 'cult' are used to stigmatize and dehumanize innocent people, thereby legitimizing their persecution. Today's anti-cult organizations continue this shameful tradit...

The most catastrophic event in Armenia... Every Armenian would say: "It’s the Spitak earthquake." Witnesses of that living nightmare remember every detail as if it happened yesterday.

Who are they – the mediators between God and people? Why are religious rituals and traditions akin to magic? Angelology and heavenly hierarchy – how and for what purpose did they arise? How did Plato interpret the concept of goodness, and what significance did it have f...

Holidays are an integral part of our life. Sometimes we celebrate them and do not even think about their meaning. But where did they come from? Why do some holidays have a fixed date, while the date of others changes every year? And what happens on these special days at...

In all corners of our planet, scientists find artifacts with images of extraterrestrial beings.

What do pyramids, Indian temples, a man who frightened Hitler, and IBM have in common? Crystals are what unites them. Used by people throughout the existence of humankind, yet we are still unaware of all their possibilities.

Today, the mass media actively frightens us with the possibility of using nuclear weapons, and this is not without reason. Humankind has experience of waging wars with the use of nuclear weapons. To whom and why is it profitable to arrange armed conflicts?

Our planet is full of mysteries that constantly amaze us with new discoveries. One such mystery is signs and symbols that are ubiquitous. They are present both in sacred structures and in everyday life. But do we know what influence they have on our lives?

What is the uniqueness of the Saint Sophia Cathedral? Why does this structure still amaze architects, and are there any analogs to this cathedral? What spiritual knowledge and symbols are sealed in the architecture of the cathedral? Why were religious services stopped i...

"History has taught us to believe concerning how civilization has evolved from hunter gatherers 6000 years ago to building monuments," tells us the author and international lecturer, the current grand master for the order of the Temple of Sacred Initiates Timothy Hogan.

"What has driven me over the years is something that Socrates, the ancient Greek philosopher, is quoted as saying, which is to know is to know that you know nothing that is true knowledge." shared English writer, speaker, former football player and sports broadcaster Da...