Science in a Creative Society

Our today’s guest is Malcolm Bendall, inventor of a proprietary plasmoid-induced and controlled atomic energy technology that enables water to be used as atomic fuel.

In this interview, we talk to our partner, the inventor and future operator of a neutrino power-based technology, the “Neutrino Powercube”, Holger Thorsten Schubart.

“This will be a revolution, and it is in contrast with many businesses. Because, you know, if an electric car runs for ten hours with a battery of series that has a life of two hours, and it goes ahead for ten hours, and at the end of another ten hours, the battery is s...

Imagine that the battery in your phone, laptop or tablet would never need to be charged again! Imagine that all appliances you plug into an outlet today would be equipped with an autonomous power source! Connectors and sockets would become a thing of the past just like...

Moses West, the founder and President of the Moses West Foundation, is one of the most outstanding examples of personal dedication to a cause.

“The term ‘fuel-free energy’ is quite provocative in the field of physics because how can you have (in quotes) ‘free energy’?!” shares power engineering researcher and inventor Tapiwa Muvungani.

Why are all near-death experiences remarkably similar regardless of a person's gender, age, education, location, religious affiliation, or other factors?

"Whatever place you have damage in the brain, you can still have your will and your thought", – Dr. Ohkado Masayuki from Japan shares observations and conclusions from his scientific practice at the International Online Conference “Life After Death. Fiction and Facts”.

Did you know that 5000 years ago in Ancient Egypt they had a Creative Society? It was at the time of Imhotep, the great scientist, astronomer and architect.

With the current level of medical advancement and the adoption of high technology, why do cancer rates continue to rise and claim the lives of millions of people each year? Is cancer a sentence or is there a way out?

Our inspiration to produce this video came from the video "XP NRG: World’s First Creators of Artificial Consciousness" with the participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov and the valuable knowledge Igor Mikhailovich has shared.

Dear friends! In this program, meet a world known physicist Prof. Dr. Davor Pavuna, President of Tesla World Foundation from Zagreb, Croatia.

On the live broadcast, volunteers of ALLATRA TV will communicate with a wonderful speaker — Dr. Kanu Megha.

On the 11th of December, 2020 we had a conversation with Sasha Nadjfeji, the discoverer of the Rtanj pyramid. The exploration of this three-sided pyramid is an amazing experience as research has shown that Rtanj is much more than a mountain because of its precise pyrami...

John Rosebush graduated from Ferris State University in 1981 with a bachelor’s degree in I.T. Services. He worked for Marathon Oil Company’s Corporate Office as a Lead Analyst until retirement in early 2006. Since 2006 he has worked exclusively on generating kinetic ene...

Today everyone understands that the format of relationships between people in society must be changed! But what is the role of man himself in the process of transforming society? What does it mean to have personal responsibility? And what can each of us do to transform...

In today’s program “Science in a Creative Society,” we talked about the extinction phenomena, climate change, science factors, human values with Dr. McPherson from the University of Arizona.

In this interview, scientists of India talk about Humanity and Education in the Creative Society.

A clinic in Clarkston provides free healthcare to all people who are not able to afford medical treatment. Clarkston Community Health Center is an organization in which the staff and community work together as a team to continuously improve patient care through a holist...

The guest speaker of today's conversation is Dr. Ye Tao Rowland from the Rowland Institute at Harvard. He is a Chinese Canadian scientist with a degree in mechanical detection of weak forces. His laboratory is working on nano-scale heterogeneous matter and studying phys...