
Ages change, people change, technical progress changes, but what remains unchanged is people's faith in a bright future. Advancing technologically, humanity in the late 19th and early 20th centuries achieved significant success in obtaining electrical energy from the e...

The world is on the brink of collapse. Climate disasters, wars, conflicts, and hatred are tearing humanity apart. The countdown has begun and we have no time to waste. Will we succumb to the inevitable doom, or will we unite and build a new, safe future?

There is one molecule that is present in every cell of every living being without exception, including our body. This is the DNA molecule.

"Approaching scientific and metaphysical knowledge science and spirituality is the right path to follow, and it is exactly the one they left 120 years ago and to which we should return if we want to move on. We have to go back to Tesla ideas," shares with us the theoret...

"Everything that humanity has ever invented or will invent already, almost certainly, has an analog somewhere in nature," Nina Sorokina shares with us.

"The Crystal acts as an information storage device. But it does it in ways that are way more advanced than we know," Dan Willis shares with us.

Rarely does a person, watching birds soaring freely, not dream of learning how to fly. Just jump and... fly!

The End of America: How to Survive the Upcoming Cataclysms!

Humanity strained and... stepped a hundred years back. How did this happen? Are you ready to find out the truth? The international team of researchers continues to unveil little-known chapters in the chronicle of humankind.

Urgent Appeal by Egon Cholakian to All Rational People on the Planet.

Emergency Address from Renowned Scientist Egon Cholakian, a recognized expert in climate change and national security matters. In his statement, Egon Cholakian highlights the alarming evidence of rapid global climate change on Earth and the exponential increase in clima...

After studying unusual artifacts, our research team has come to the conclusion that the evolution of humankind did not go exactly as it is described in history books. We have found plenty of evidence that alien civilizations visited Earth. These facts prove that the his...

Science and religion, science together with religion, or science against religion? What is their relationship nowadays? Are there points of contact? And what topics are the "bone of contention"?

Living in our time, few people know that during the 9th century, the Islamic world was the center of world science, and an incredible number of technologies created at that time continue to be used nowadays.

How far has psychology progressed in the study of the human soul and what are the results? What is psychology currently studying and what problems does it face? What are the most common questions that people ask a psychologist? Where is the human consciousness located?...

Max can't stop thinking about free energy. He spends all his free time in the workshop, trying to assemble a fuel-free generator, but in vain.

The theory of ether is one of the most discussed in the scientific community. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, many scientists worked with ether, conducting successful experiments with obtaining "electricity from the air". Who supported the ether theory and wh...

"Since I was very young, I had a fascination about space. I wanted our society to grow at a much faster pace technologically and also otherwise. So I thought it might be a good idea to learn from the ETs that have advanced civilization. If they can come to visit us, the...

We are telling the truth that is being concealed from people. We are independent volunteer researchers from 180 countries. We carry out interdisciplinary studies that no other institution or organization in the world is able to perform

The question of the existence of God concerns every person: atheist, believer, and scientist.